替换列表中的事件 - 球拍

Replaces occurrences in a list - Racket

我正在编写一个名为 ptyper 的函数,它接受一个嵌套列表 nl。此函数用 n 替换所有出现的数字,用 s 替换所有出现的符号。这就是我现在拥有的:

(define (ptyper nl) (cond
((null? nl) '())
((list? nl)
 (let ((ls (car nl)))
  (list (ptyper ls))))
((number? (car nl))
 (cons "n" (cdr nl)))
((symbol? (car nl))
 (cons "s" (cdr nl)))
 (cons (car nl) (cdr nl)))))

我 运行 这个测试 (ptyper '(2 (abc () "abc"))) 但是收到一个错误,说他们违反了合同。我不确定我做错了什么所以如果可以使用一些帮助。谢谢!

这是 S 表达式的数据定义,它为您的数据建模。

; An S-expr is one of: 
; – Atom
; – SL

; An SL is one of: 
; – '()
; – (cons S-expr SL)

; An Atom is one of: 
; – Number
; – String
; – Symbol


;; Any -> Boolean
;; is the x an atom?
(define (atom? x)
  (not (list? x)))


(define (func sexp)
    [(atom? sexp) (func-atom sexp)]
    [else (func-sl sexp)]))

(define (func-sl sl)
    [(empty? sl) ...]
    [else (... (func (first sl)) ... (func-sl (rest sl)) ...)]))

(define (func-atom at)
    [(number? at) ...]
    [(string? at) ...]
    [(symbol? at) ...]))


; Atom -> String
(define (subs-atom at)
    [(number? at) "n"]
    [(string? at) at]
    [(symbol? at) "s"]))

; SL -> SL
(define (subs-sl sl)
    [(empty? sl) sl]
    [else (cons (subs-sexp (first sl))
                (subs-sexp (rest sl)))]))

; S-exp -> S-exp
(define (subs-sexp sexp)
    [(atom? sexp) (subs-atom sexp)]
    [else (subs-sl sexp)]))

使用 ptyper 的界面:

(define (ptyper nl)
  (subs-sexp nl))

(ptyper '(2 (abc () "abc")))
; => '("n" ("s" () "abc"))


(define (ptyper nl)
    ((null? nl) '())      ; if the argument is an empty list, return the empty list
    ((list? nl)           ; if the argument is a list, then
     (let* ((c (car nl))  ; get its first element
            (nc (cond ((number? c) "n") ; transform it for numbers
                      ((symbol? c) "s") ; and symbols
                      ((list? c) (ptyper c)) ; if a list recur over it
                      (else c))))       ; otherwise (e.g. a string) return as it is
       (cons nc (ptyper (cdr nl)))))    ; recursive call on the rest of the list
    (else nl)))  ; this should never happen for the specification,
                 ; return the parameter or cause an error

请注意,您的错误是由递归调用引起的。当在原子上调用该函数时,例如 2,它首先检查 nulllist?,然后检查 returns 是否为假。然后它检查 (number (car nl)),但 nl 等于 2,因此 car 失败。