Eggdrop TCL人工智能限时
Eggdrop TCL Artificial Intelligence in a limited time
我要Eggdrop回复最近30分钟加入频道的用户。应忽略在频道上超过 30 分钟的所有其他用户。
set canalativo "#testes"
bind pubm - "*regist*canal*" pub:regchan
proc pub:regchan { nick uhost handle chan arg } {
global canalativo
if {[string match -nocase "$canalativo" $chan]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick para registar um canal escreve o comando: /ChanServ register #CANAL DESCRICAO-DO-CANAL" }
set canalativo "#testes"
array set joinedUsers {}
bind pubm - "*regist*canal*" pub:regchan
bind join - "*!*@*" pub:joinchan
proc pub:regchan { nick uhost handle chan arg } {
global canalativo joinedUsers
# Check if - this is the correct channel
# - the user is in the array of joined users
# - the time the user joined is 1800 seconds ago or less
if {
[string match -nocase "$canalativo" $chan] &&
[info exists joinedUsers($nick)] &&
[clock seconds]-$joinedUsers($nick) <= 1800
} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick para registar um canal escreve o comando: /ChanServ register #CANAL DESCRICAO-DO-CANAL"
# Remove the user from the array if it is there
catch {unset joinedUsers($nick)}
proc pub:joinchan { nick uhost handle chan } {
global joinedUsers
# Add the user and the time they joined to the array
set joinedUsers($nick) [clock seconds]
这只是最基本的。您可能想要添加检查诸如昵称更改(例如,可能告诉他们将他们的昵称分组在一个帐户下)或重新加入(由于 disconnects/netsplits)之类的事情。此外,如果他们已经注册,您可能不希望机器人告诉他们。
我要Eggdrop回复最近30分钟加入频道的用户。应忽略在频道上超过 30 分钟的所有其他用户。
set canalativo "#testes"
bind pubm - "*regist*canal*" pub:regchan
proc pub:regchan { nick uhost handle chan arg } {
global canalativo
if {[string match -nocase "$canalativo" $chan]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick para registar um canal escreve o comando: /ChanServ register #CANAL DESCRICAO-DO-CANAL" }
set canalativo "#testes"
array set joinedUsers {}
bind pubm - "*regist*canal*" pub:regchan
bind join - "*!*@*" pub:joinchan
proc pub:regchan { nick uhost handle chan arg } {
global canalativo joinedUsers
# Check if - this is the correct channel
# - the user is in the array of joined users
# - the time the user joined is 1800 seconds ago or less
if {
[string match -nocase "$canalativo" $chan] &&
[info exists joinedUsers($nick)] &&
[clock seconds]-$joinedUsers($nick) <= 1800
} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick para registar um canal escreve o comando: /ChanServ register #CANAL DESCRICAO-DO-CANAL"
# Remove the user from the array if it is there
catch {unset joinedUsers($nick)}
proc pub:joinchan { nick uhost handle chan } {
global joinedUsers
# Add the user and the time they joined to the array
set joinedUsers($nick) [clock seconds]
这只是最基本的。您可能想要添加检查诸如昵称更改(例如,可能告诉他们将他们的昵称分组在一个帐户下)或重新加入(由于 disconnects/netsplits)之类的事情。此外,如果他们已经注册,您可能不希望机器人告诉他们。