
Inline Function, Column names in each view or function must be unique

我加入了两个 table 现在我想在函数中保存该语句以便我可以再次使用它 然后再次。我尝试按如下方式创建函数:-

create function fn_electricalsem1and2()
returns table
return (
      Select * 
      from [Electrical Semester 1 Regular] as T1 
      inner join[Electrical Semester 2 Regular] As T2 On T1.department_id= T2.department_id


Column names in each view or function must be unique. Column name 'Name' in view or function 'fn_electricalsem1and2' is specified more than once.

到现在为止我还没有做任何函数,但为什么我得到错误 function must be unique?

It is giving error because your function is returning a table and in a table all the column name should be unique.


Select *

Select t1.column1 as Col1, t1.column2, t2.column1 as Col2, ...and so on

在您的情况下,department_id 在两个 table 中都可用。 table 也都包含一个名称列:name.

在以下查询中, 我们将首先创建表格并填充一些数据。

CREATE TABLE [Electrical Semester 1 Regular](department_id INT);
CREATE TABLE [Electrical Semester 2 Regular](department_id INT);
INSERT INTO [Electrical Semester 1 Regular]
INSERT INTO [Electrical Semester 2 Regular]


 Select * 
 from [Electrical Semester 1 Regular] as T1 
      inner join[Electrical Semester 2 Regular] As T2 On T1.department_id= T2.department_id

| department_id | department_id |
|             1 |             1 |

但是,由于 [Electrical Semester 1 Regular][Electrical Semester 的列名相同,因此以下查询 returns 出错2 常规]。在 SQL 服务器中,如果我们想创建一个视图或函数,我们必须使用别名

create function fn_electricalsem1and2()
returns table
return (
      Select * 
      from [Electrical Semester 1 Regular] as T1 
      inner join[Electrical Semester 2 Regular] As T2 On T1.department_id= T2.department_id

在 SQL 服务器中,如果我们想要创建一个视图或函数,我们必须提供唯一的名称。您可以使用别名启用它,这样您就可以像下面这样更改您的查询;

create function fn_electricalsem1and2()
returns table
return (
      Select t1.department_id as t1_department_id , t2.department_id as t2_department_id
      from [Electrical Semester 1 Regular] as T1 
      inner join[Electrical Semester 2 Regular] As T2 On T1.department_id= T2.department_id

select * from fn_electricalsem1and2()

    | t1_department_id | t2_department_id |
    |                1 |                1 |