在 applescript 中设置时间码

Set up timecode in applescript

我使用 applescript 远程 Aegisub 来按时间移动视频字幕时间轴。请看图片。 here is the "shift by" window.


tell application "Aegisub"
    delay 0.1
end tell
tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Aegisub"
        keystroke "i" using command down   --cmd+i open "shift by" window
        delay 0.3
        click radio button "Time: " of window "Shift Times"   --choose shift by time not frames
        delay 0.3
        set the value of text field 1 of window "Shift Times" to "0:00:00.20" --set up shift how long time
        click radio button "Forward" of window "Shift Times"    --forward or backward
        click radio button "Selection onward" of group "Affect" of window "Shift Times"
        delay 0.3
        click button "OK" of window "Shift Times"
    end tell
end tell


set the value of text field 1 of window "Shift Times" to "0:00:00.20"

它确实将文本字段 1 的屏幕值更改为“0:00:00.20”。但实际上它会根据您使用的最后一个值改变时间。
如果您用键盘手动输入“0:00:00.20”,它将按时间“0:00:00.20”移动。只有这条线在这里不起作用。 看起来它与时间码的格式有关。 请注意,应用程序使用的时间码是“0:00:00.20”,而不是“0:00:00:20”。 希望有人能帮助我。

当您在文本输入框中输入一个值时(取决于编写接口的人的注意力),该值可能要等到文本输入框出现时才会从接口发送到底层模型失去焦点:例如,当键入 return 键时,单击另一个 UI 元素。当您编写界面脚本时,焦点转移可能会或可能不会发生(或可能不会以相同的方式发生),因此您可能希望直接调用它,如下所示:

    set the value of text field 1 of window "Shift Times" to "0:00:00.20" --set up shift how long time
    click radio button "Forward" of window "Shift Times" --forward or backward
    click radio button "Selection onward" of group "Affect" of window "Shift Times"
    delay 0.3
    tell button "OK" of window "Shift Times"
        set focused to true
    end tell

终于找到答案了。我需要使用按键来一位一位地输入值,就像我用键盘所做的那样。 @Ted Wrigley 的回答中 Button "OK" 的 tell end tell 结构启发了我。这里是正确的代码

tell application "Aegisub"
    delay 0.1
end tell
tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Aegisub"
        set stime to "0000020"

        keystroke "i" using command down --cmd+i open "shift by" window
        delay 0.3
        click radio button "Time: " of window "Shift Times" --choose shift by time not frames
        delay 0.3

        tell text field 1 of window "Shift Times"
            set focused to true
            keystroke stime
        end tell

        click radio button "Forward" of window "Shift Times" --forward or backward
        click radio button "Selection onward" of group "Affect" of window "Shift Times"
        delay 0.3
        click button "OK" of window "Shift Times"
    end tell
end tell
