如何在 Re-frame (ClojureScript) 中重置计数器

How to reset a counter in Re-frame (ClojureScript)

这一定是每个人在学习新框架时都会发现的 silly/complex 事情之一。所以我有这个功能:

(defn display-questions-list
 (let [counter (atom 1)]
      (doall (for [question @(rf/subscribe [:questions])]
            ^{:key (swap! counter inc)} [question-item (assoc question :counter @counter)])])))

@counter 原子不保存任何重要数据,它只是一个 "visual" 计数器来显示列表中的数字。第一次加载页面时,一切正常,如果列表显示五个问题 (1..5),问题是当问题是 created/edited/deleted 时,订阅:

 @(rf/subscribe [:questions])

再次调用,然后当然显示列表,但现在从 6 到 11。所以我需要一种方法来重置 @counter。


  (ns tst.demo.core
    (:use tupelo.test)
    (:require [tupelo.core :as t]))

  (defn display-questions-list
     (let [questions @(rf/subscribe [:questions])]
       (doall (for [[idx question] (t/indexed questions)]
                ^{:key idx}
                [question-item (assoc question :counter idx) ])))])

the Tupelo library simply prepends a zero-based index value 到集合中每个项目的 tupelo.core/indexed 函数:

(t/indexed [:a :b :c :d :e]) =>   

    ([0 :a] 
     [1 :b] 
     [2 :c] 
     [3 :d] 
     [4 :e])


(defn zip-lazy
  "Usage:  (zip-lazy coll1 coll2 ...)

      (zip-lazy xs ys zs) => [ [x0 y0 z0]
                               [x1 y1 z1]
                               [x2 y2 z2]
                               ... ]

  Returns a lazy result. Will truncate to the length of the shortest collection.
  A convenience wrapper for `(map vector coll1 coll2 ...)`.  "
  [& colls]  
  (assert #(every? sequential? colls))
  (apply map vector colls))

(defn indexed
  "Given one or more collections, returns a sequence of indexed tuples from the collections:
      (indexed xs ys zs) -> [ [0 x0 y0 z0]
                              [1 x1 y1 z1]
                              [2 x2 y2 z2]
                              ... ] "
  [& colls]
  (apply zip-lazy (range) colls))


实际上,:key 元数据的主要目标是为列表。由于项目可能处于不同的顺序,因此使用列表索引值实际上是一种 React antipattern。使用来自数据元素(即用户 ID 等)或仅哈希码的唯一 ID 可提供唯一的参考值。所以,实际上你的代码最好写成这样:

(defn display-questions-list
   (doall (for [question @(rf/subscribe [:questions])]
            ^{:key (hash question)}
            [question-item (assoc question :counter idx)]))])


(hash 1)                   =>  1392991556
(hash :a)                  => -2123407586
(hash {:a 1, :b [2 3 4]})  =>   383153859