您可以在 assign Liquid 标签中使用两个 where 条件吗?

Can you use two where conditions in an assign Liquid tag?

可以使用两个 where conditions in an assign 液体标签吗?

我在尝试 bundle exec jekyll serve --trace:

Liquid Exception: Liquid error (line 7): wrong number of arguments (given 4, expected 3) in party/democratic/index.md
             Error: Liquid error (line 7): wrong number of arguments (given 4, expected 3)

这是有问题的 Liquid 标签:

{% assign people = site.data.people |  where: election_2020.office, 'U.S. President' and election_2020.party, 'Democratic' | sort: 'last_names' %}

无论您是否可以在 assign 标签中使用两个 where 过滤器,我都找不到任何文档。

PS:这是 people.yml 文件的示例:

  id: 'julian-castro'
  first_names: 'Julián'
  last_names: 'Castro'
  full_name: 'Julián Castro'
  image: '/images/people/julian-castro-wikipedia.jpg'
  gender: 'male'
  image: '/images/people/julian-castro-wikipedia.jpg'
    office: 'U.S. President'
    address: 'P.O. Box 501'
    latitude: '29.430018'
    longitude: '-98.4987548'
    city: 'San Antonio'
    state: 'TX'
    zip: '78292'
    donate: 'https://secure.actblue.com/donate/julianforthefuture'
    facebook: 'https://www.facebook.com/julianforthefuture/'
    instagram: 'https://www.instagram.com/juliancastrotx/?hl=en'
    twitter: 'https://twitter.com/JulianCastro'
    website: 'https://www.julianforthefuture.com/'
    party: 'Democratic'
    election_type: 'primary'
    source: 'https://voteinfo.utah.gov/2020-presidential-candidates/'
    candidate_status: 'withdrew'
  last_updated: '2020-02-20'

其中过滤器只允许将键值与另一个值进行比较。如果你想使用复杂的过滤,你可以使用 where_exp 过滤器。

{% assign people = site.data.people | where_exp: "someone", "someone.election_2020.office == 'U.S. President' and someone.election_2020.party == 'Democratic'" | sort: "last_names" %}