为 google 助手执行命令 - Node js

Execute commands for the google assistant - Node js

我期待一个节点包,它允许您 运行 命令获得与 android 手机上的 google 助手相同的输出。我们在说 'Ok Google' 或 'Hey Google' 之后说的命令将执行以提供相同的输出。有什么建议么?谢谢!

这是一个流行的 NPM 包:

"The Google Assistant SDK - A version in node to play around with! I've abstracted it from needing to use the mic and speakers on the device running the code (but it still can!) so that you can pass audio in and play audio back however you want to."


这是来自 Google 的客户端库:

"The Actions on Google Node.js client library is the recommended way for accessing and interacting with the Actions on Google platform if you are creating a fulfillment webhook in JavaScript.


