如何使用 MDM 在 Android 应用程序中获取托管配置数据

How to get managed configuration data in Android App using MDM

我有一个 Android 应用程序,我希望在设备打开时预先填充 UserNameserverURL,它将根据设备注册获取这些值在 userNameserverURL 字段上。

我可以使用 Android 限制 API 来获取那些配置值吗? 像下面

List<RestrictionEntry> restrictions =



Android 文档并不完美,但至少这个关于 managed configurations 的文档有点好 ;) .

To provide externally managed configurations:

  • Declare the managed configurations in your app manifest. Doing so allows the IT admin to read the app's configurations through Google Play APIs.
  • Whenever the app resumes, use the RestrictionsManager object to check the current managed configurations, and change your app's UI and behavior to conform with those configurations.
  • Listen for the ACTION_APPLICATION_RESTRICTIONS_CHANGED intent. When you receive this broadcast, check the RestrictionsManager to see what the current managed configurations are, and make any necessary changes to your app's behavior.

您还可以查看示例项目 AppRestrictions 了解更多详情。
