
Is there a way to tell which page number the textframe exists in?


Is there a way to tell which page number the textframe exists in?

  1. 是的,每个 TextFrame class 都有一个 parentPage 属性 那 returns 对 Page 的引用文本框已打开。

  2. 每个Pageclass都有一个name属性本质上是returns一个页码字符串


var doc = app.activeDocument;
var firstTextFramesPageNumber = doc.textFrames[0].parentPage.name;


I would like to know if there is any way I could understand that the next text frame is in next page so as to avoid negative value while calculating.


  1. 确定文本框是否有关联的下一个文本框。您可以利用 TextFrame class 的 nextTextFrame 属性 来实现这一点。它会:

    • Return null 如果没有关联的下一个文本框。
    • 或者,在存在关联的下一个文本框时引用下一个文本框。
  2. 一旦您知道有关联的下一个文本框架,您可以检查 parentPage.name 以获取引用的下一个文本框架以获取其页码。

  3. 要检查文本框架及其关联的下一个文本框架是否在同一页上,请使用 === 相等运算符进行检查。



  • 当前文本框所在的页码。
  • 当前文本框是否有关联的下一个文本框。
  • 当当前文本确实有关联的下一个文本框时,它会告诉您它在哪个页码上。
#target indesign

var doc = app.activeDocument;

var textFrames = doc.textFrames;

for (var i = 0, max = textFrames.length; i < max; i++) {
   var currentTextFrame = textFrames[i];

   // 1. Get the current text frames page number
   var currentTextFramePageNumber = currentTextFrame.parentPage.name

   $.writeln('The current text frame is on page ' + currentTextFramePageNumber)

   // 2. Get the current text frames associated next text frame.
   var hasNextTextFrame = currentTextFrame.nextTextFrame;

   if (hasNextTextFrame) {     
     // 3. Let's get the page number of the associated next text frame?
     var nextTextFramePageNumber = currentTextFrame.nextTextFrame.parentPage.name

     // 4. Is the associated next text frame on the same page number as the current text frame?
     if (currentTextFramePageNumber === nextTextFramePageNumber) {
      $.writeln('This text frame DOES have a next text frame. It\'s also on on page '
          + nextTextFramePageNumber)
     } else {
      $.writeln('This text frame DOES have a next text frame. However it\'s on a different page, it\'s on page '
          + nextTextFramePageNumber) 

   } else {
     $.writeln('This text frame DOES NOT have a next text frame.')
