Visual Studio 2013 XSLT 简介

Visual Studio 2013 XSLT Profile

我正在使用 Visual Studio 2013 Premium 并想分析我的 XSLT,但按钮显示为灰色?我可以调试它,是否需要另一个版本来分析它,Visual Studio Ultimate? Microsoft 只有 2010 和 2012 的文档 XSLT Profiler 但是我的环境中有按钮:

XSLT Profiler Walkthrough 上的页面是 Visual Studio 2013 年的页面,内容如下:

The XSLT Profiler is only available with the Microsoft Visual Studio Team System with Profiling Tools installed.

我觉得你运气不好。我碰巧有 Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate 并且它有一个可用的分析器,我怀疑已经发生了很大变化,所以如果你可以降级(并且碰巧在货架上有高级版):

虽然更便宜的选择可能是 oXygen or Stylus Studio, both come with a profiling option, the latter claiming to be processor independent. I myself use oXygen a lot with our own Exselt XSLT 3.0 processor (Microsoft is still in the 1990s with support for XSLT 1.0 only), but that doesn't yet come with a profiler. However I believe Saxon, also XSLT 3.0, has a simple profiler tool