为什么方法要更改此 Class 的属性? (Python)

Why is method changing the attribute of this Class? (Python)

我在下面定义了一个 Snake class 以及一个 Move 方法,它应该根据一个动作计算头部的新位置,将这个元素附加到块数组到蛇的块数组中,然后然后 popleft 这个列表的第一个元素。

class Snake:
    actions = [np.array([-1, 0]), np.array([1, 0]), np.array([0, -1]), np.array([0, 1])]

    def __init__(self, start_position, start_direction_idx):

        :type start_position: 2x1 numpy Array
        self.startPosition = None
        self.alive = True
        self.direction = start_direction_idx
        self.length = 1
        self.currentPosition = start_position
        self.blocks = deque([start_position])
        self.blockAtEndofTail = None

  def move(self, action):
        if self.isMovingBackwards(action):
            action = self.direction

            self.direction = action
        print('Blocks before anything', self.blocks)
        print('Current position before action',self.currentPosition)

        self.currentPosition += self.actions[self.direction]

        print('Current position after action', self.currentPosition)
        print('Blocks before pop',self.blocks)

        self.blockAtEndofTail = self.blocks.popleft()
        print('Blocks after pop', self.blocks)

        print('Blocks after append', self.blocks)


下面是我 运行 程序时得到的一些示例输出。

Blocks before anything deque([array([10, 10])])
Current position before action [10 10]
Current position after action [ 9 10]
Blocks before pop deque([array([ 9, 10])])
Blocks after pop deque([])
Blocks after append deque([array([ 9, 10])])
deque([array([ 9, 10])])


Blocks before anything deque([array([10, 10])])
Current position before action [10 10]
Current position after action [ 9 10]
Blocks before pop deque([array([ 10, 10])])
Blocks after pop deque([])
Blocks after append deque([array([ 9, 10])])
deque([array([ 9, 10])])


在python中,对象是引用。 blocks 双端队列中的值实际上是对 currentPosition 所引用的同一个 numpy 数组的引用,因为它们都是从 start_position 初始化的。如果您希望它们独立,请尝试复制 值本身,而不是引用 ,使用 Snake.__init__:[=16] 中的内置 copy 函数=]

self.blocks = deque([start_position.copy()])