R 文档:@family 标签不起作用

R documentation: the @family tag is not working

我正在编写一个 R 包,我想在函数文档之间包含交叉引用。

在文档 here 之后,有一个章节专门讨论了这个问题:


There are two tags that make it easier for people to navigate around your documentation: @seealso and @family. [...] If you have a family of related functions, you can use @family {family} to cross-reference each function to every other function within the family. A function can be a member of multiple families.

For sum(), this might look like:

#' @family aggregations
#' @seealso [prod()] for products, [cumsum()] for cumulative sums, and
#'   [colSums()]/[rowSums()] marginal sums over high-dimensional arrays.

By default @family {family}, will generate the see also text “Other {family}:”, so the @family name should be plural (i.e., “model building helpers” not “model building helper”). You can override the default title by providing a rd_family_title list in man/roxygen/meta.R:

rd_family_title <- list(
 aggregations = "Aggregation functions"


#' My foo function
#' Does something with my data.
#' Lorem ipsum.
#' @param .data A data frame.
#' @return My processed data.
#' @usage
#' my_foo_function(.data)
#' @family {a_family}
#' @family {another_family}
#' @export
my_foo_function <- function(.data) {
# Some code



rd_family_title <- list(
  a_family = "A family of functions",
  another_family = "Another family of functions"

保存在这里:[package project path]/roxygen/man/meta.R(同样,遵循文档)。

但是,当我 运行 document() 函数(构建 .Rd 文件)时,我收到以下警告:

## Updating my_package documentation
## Writing NAMESPACE
## Warning messages:
## 1: Unknown Roxygen options a_family, another_family.
## Supported options: roclets, load, old_usage, markdown, r6, package 



See also

Other a_family: bar(), baz() Other another_family: spam(), eggs()

(我将 @family {a_family} 更改为 @family a_family,结果相同。

所以...我错过了什么? rd_family_title 列表应该放在哪里?为什么 Roxygen 无法用我定义的标题替换 "other..." 内容?


这已在 PR 1078 which is included in the roxygen2 7.1.1 release 中修复。