
How do I fix blank output from trying to display an array of string objects through an overloaded and templated insertion operator?

我在 main() 中声明了 container<std::string> c1; 来存储 10 个元素的字符串对象,即 aa bb cc dd . . . jj;但是,当我编译代码时,输​​出是空白的。如果我将那些 angular 括号中的类型更改为 char 并使用一个字母,它就可以正常工作。我认为在重载插入运算符的参数中传递的内容有问题。我试过添加 const 并设置其中一个参数 container<T2> const &cobj——它并没有帮助解决问题。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template<typename T>
class container
    template <typename T2>
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, container<T2> &cobj);
    // Postcondition: display the contents of container object cobj in the format shown in the below sample outputs
    // Postcondition: data member n is initialized to -1 and all elements in the empty arr array are initialized to zero
    bool isEmpty();
    // Postcondition: returns true if nothing is stored in the container; returns false otherwise
    bool isFull();
    // Postcondition: returns true if the container object (i.e., the arr array) is full; returns false otherwise
    int size() const;
    // Postcondition: returns the “size” which is the actual number of elements currently stored in the containe robject; size <= capacity
    int capacity();
    // Postcondition: returns the storage capacity of the container. 
    bool insertBack(const T& val);
    //  Precondition: the container object is not full
    // Postcondition: if arr array is not full, n is incremented by 1; returns true with val is inserted at the end of the arr array 
    //                 Otherwise, returns false; the value is not inserted and program execution continues.

    static const int CAPACITY = 10;     // physical size of the arr array or the storage capacity of a container object
    T arr[CAPACITY];            // arr array can store up to CAPACITY  (10 in our case) elements of any type 
    int n;                      // n is used as the subscript for the arr array. n is initialized to -1 for an empty array
                                // Each time a new value is inserted into the arr array, n must first be incremented 
                                // by 1. Since n has been initialized to -1, the first inserted value is stored in arr[0],
                                // and the 2nd inserted value will be in arr[1], etc.  and the nth inserted value will be 
                                // stored in arr[n – 1]. Obviously, n + 1 represents the actual number of elements
                                // stored in the array after n rounds of insertion.         

template<typename T2>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, container<T2> &cobj)
    std::cout << "Container storage capacity = " << cobj.capacity() << std::endl
        << "Currently, container contains " << cobj.size() << " elements." << std::endl
        << "The contents of the container:" << std::endl;

    static int funcCalls = 0; // A variable that collects the calls made to this function.
                              // The first call is needed to later output an unique string.

    if (cobj.isEmpty() && funcCalls == 1)
        std::cout << "*** Container is currently empty!" << std::endl << std::endl
            << "The container object is empty!" << std::endl
            << "Currently, the container object contains " << cobj.size() << " element(s) or value(s)";
    else if (cobj.isEmpty())
        std::cout << "*** Container is currently empty!";
        for (int i = 0; i < cobj.size(); ++i)
            std::cout << cobj.arr[i] << ' ';

    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    return out;

template<typename T>
    n = 0;
    arr[CAPACITY] = {0};

template<typename T>
bool container<T>::isEmpty()
    return n == 0;

template<typename T>
bool container<T>::isFull()
    return n == CAPACITY - 1;

template<typename T>
int container<T>::capacity()
    return CAPACITY;

template<typename T>
int container<T>::size() const
    return n;

template<typename T>
bool container<T>::insertBack(const T& val)
    if (!isFull())
        arr[n - 1] = val;
        return 1;
        return 0;

int main()
    container<std::string> c1;

    std::cout << "We now insert 10 values at the back of the array one at a time:" << std::endl;    

    std::cout << c1;



template<typename T>
    n = 0;
    arr[CAPACITY] = {0};

您正在尝试用索引 CAPACITY 初始化数组中不存在的元素。因此你的程序有未定义的行为,


template<typename T>
container<T>::container() : n( 0 )

所有这些函数,isEmpry、isFull、capacity 和 size 都应该用限定符 const 声明。


template<typename T>
bool container<T>::isFull() const 
    return n == CAPACITY;

友元函数可以是 class 定义中定义的非模板函数,例如

template<typename T>
class container
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const container<T> &cobj)


We now insert 10 values at the back of the array one at a time:
Container storage capacity = 10
Currently, container contains 10 elements.
The contents of the container:
aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj