将 App 预览上传到 App Store Connect:预览时间过长
Uploading App Preview to App Store Connect: Preview Too Long
正在尝试将 App Preview 上传到 App Store Connect 并收到消息:"One or more of your app previews are too long"。
这是针对 Mac App Store 的。预览是在 iMovie 中创建的,时长 4:48 分钟。它的大小为 207.4 MB。
应用预览只能(最多)30 秒。
App previews demonstrate the features, functionality, and user
interface of your app using footage captured on device. You can have
up to three app previews for each language your app supports, and each
preview can be up to 30 seconds long. The following tips can help you
create compelling previews that spark interest and drive downloads of
your app.
创建三个 30 秒的单视频。专注于应用最重要的功能。
正在尝试将 App Preview 上传到 App Store Connect 并收到消息:"One or more of your app previews are too long"。
这是针对 Mac App Store 的。预览是在 iMovie 中创建的,时长 4:48 分钟。它的大小为 207.4 MB。
应用预览只能(最多)30 秒。
App previews demonstrate the features, functionality, and user interface of your app using footage captured on device. You can have up to three app previews for each language your app supports, and each preview can be up to 30 seconds long. The following tips can help you create compelling previews that spark interest and drive downloads of your app.
创建三个 30 秒的单视频。专注于应用最重要的功能。