
UTF-16 error, how to solve the unrecognized escape sequence?

This program is a translator program that takes some symbols and converts them to normal letters. The problem is, when I try to put some symbols like: allAlphabets.Add("[]/[]"); or: allAlphabets.Add("//"); , i get an error about the UTF-16

        static void Main(string[] args)
        string input = ""; // string input
        List<string> allAlphabets = new List<string>(); // storing to a list
        input = Console.ReadLine();
        char[] word = input.ToCharArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++)
            switch (word[i]) // switch casce
           normal letters
                case 'm':
                    allAlphabets.Add("[]\/[]"); // represents text as a sequence of utf-16 code units 
                case 'n':
                    allAlphabets.Add("[]\[]"); // represents text as a sequence of utf-16 code units
                case 'v':
                    allAlphabets.Add("\/"); // represents text as a sequence of utf-16 code units
                case 'w':
                    allAlphabets.Add("\/\/"); // represents text as a sequence of utf-16 code units


Does someone know a way of encoding the unrecognized escape sequence? Thank you!

您需要使用 verbatim identifier (@)

To indicate that a string literal is to be interpreted verbatim. The @ character in this instance defines a verbatim string literal. Simple escape sequences (such as "\" for a backslash), hexadecimal escape sequences (such as "\x0041" for an uppercase A), and Unicode escape sequences (such as "\u0041" for an uppercase A) are interpreted literally. Only a quote escape sequence ("") is not interpreted literally; it produces a single quotation mark. Additionally, in case of a verbatim interpolated string brace escape sequences ({{ and }}) are not interpreted literally; they produce single brace characters.



