Golang gRPC 默认值

Golang gRPC default values

给定以下 protobuf 定义:

message MyMessage {
    string Foo = 1;
    int From = 2;
    int To = 3;

然后我有一个案例,我只想从客户端发送 Foo 字符串,没问题。 问题出现在服务器中,我想知道 From 和 To 是否有值(UNIX 时间戳)。 如果客户端未明确设置该值,则 Go 会将其设置为 0,这是一个完全有效的 Unix 时间戳。在这一点上,我不知道客户是打算给我 1970-01-01 00:00:00 还是打算留空。

我可以添加两个布尔值来说明客户端是否设置了 From 和 To,但我觉得应该有比这更优雅的解决方案。

有没有办法真正查明客户端是否打算发送空值,或者它是否实际将值设置为 0"" 对于字符串等也是如此。

您无法区分缺少的字段和在 proto3 中设置为默认值的字段。这是设计使然。在 Issue 1606:

中引用 xfxyjwf
  • Rationale of removing field presence in proto3:

    • Field presence in proto2 has caused confusions and it complicates the semantics, e.g. one has to distinguish between absence fields vs fields set to their default values; users usually check presence before accessing the fields which is unnecessary. We believe in most cases, field presence info is not needed.

    • Removing field presence makes Proto3 significantly easier to implement with open struct representations, as in languages like Android Java (go/nano-proto), or Go. The easier implementation in turn makes it better accessible to external implementer communities.

  • If such presence info is explicitly needed, there are several workarounds, e.g. wrappers, explicit has_field boolean. Oneof can also be used if backward wire compatibility with proto2 optional field is desired.