如何 return 订阅中的 Observable?

How to return an Observable inside a subscription?

编辑:参见 Kurt Hamilton 的解决方案答案。

我正在调用一个 API 到 return settings.service.ts 中某些设置的值。 在 settings.component.ts 中,这些需要 returned 来填写表格 - 当 API 调用尚未完成时它会显示正在加载。

它正在与 'return of(fakeData)' 一起工作。但是,我不知道如何 return 'realData'。

而不是 console.log(realData) 我想要 return 而不是 fakeData。




export interface Settings {
  setting1: boolean;
  setting2: string;

const fakeData = {
  setting1: true,
  setting2: 'test'

export class SettingsService {
  defaultSettings: DefaultSettings[];

  constructor(private apiService: ApiService) { }

  loadSettings(): Observable<Settings> {
    this.apiService.getDefaultSettings().subscribe( defaultSettings => {
      // defaultSettings is needed for when value1 or value2 is 'null'
      // not implemented yet, but therefore this nested subscription structure
      this.defaultSettings = defaultSettings;

      const value1 = this.apiService.getSpecificSetting('setting1');
      const value2 = this.apiService.getSpecificSetting('setting2');

      forkJoin([value1, value2]).subscribe( result => {
        const realData = {
          setting1: result[0],
          setting2: result[1],

        // return of(settingsFound); not possible here ...

    return of(fakeData);


settings: Observable<Settings>;

ngOnInit() {
  this.settings = this.settingsService.loadSettings().pipe(
    tap(settings => {

使用 concatMapswitchMap 到 运行 一个新的可观察对象(在你的例子中是 forkJoin)在另一个可观察对象之后。

export class SettingsService {
  defaultSettings: DefaultSettings[];

  constructor(private apiService: ApiService) { }

  loadSettings(): Observable<Settings> {
    return this.apiService.getDefaultSettings().pipe(
      // save default settings
      // this may not be required if you only need default settings for the forkJoin
      tap(defaultSettings => this.defaultSettings = defaultSettings),
      // now run the next observable
      concatMap(defaultSettings => {
        return forkJoin({
          setting1: this.apiService.getSpecificSetting('setting1'),
          setting2: this.apiService.getSpecificSetting('setting2')
      // now map the result of the forkJoin to the value to want to return
      // map won't be required in this case, 
      // as the arg going into forkJoin matches the desired return structure
      // I left it in for completeness
      map(result => {
        const realData = {
          setting1: result.setting1,
          setting2: result.setting2,


        return realData;



export class SettingsService {
  constructor(private apiService: ApiService) { }

  loadSettings(): Observable<Settings> {
    return this.apiService.getDefaultSettings().pipe(
      concatMap(defaultSettings => forkJoin({
        setting1: this.apiService.getSpecificSetting('setting1'),
        setting2: this.apiService.getSpecificSetting('setting2')