Console.logging 然后在 javascript 函数中返回 console.log

Console.logging and then returning the console.log within a javascript function

抱歉,我确定以前有人问过这个问题,但我似乎无法正确地表达它来找到答案。我试图从 Udemy 学习 Javascript 并且有一个问题,你必须 return 这个由星号组成的三角形,其中第一行是 1 个星号,第二行是 2,第三行是 3 等等直到10 行星号。 see this link if I'm not clear enough

我可以 console.log 三角形,但一旦控制台记录了它,我似乎就无法 return 它了。请有人解释我需要在哪里放置 return。我已经尝试了所有我能想到的方法,并且在为 "buildTriangle function".

添加 return 后不断得到未定义或没有答案

     * Programming Quiz: Build A Triangle (5-3)

// creates a line of * for a given length
function makeLine(length) {
    var line = "";
    for (var j = 1; j <= length; j++) {
        line += "* ";
    return line + "\n";

// your code goes here.  Make sure you call makeLine() in your own code.
function buildTriangle(length){
    var tri='';
    return tri;

// test your code by uncommenting the following line

您应该首先构建三角形然后记录它,即连接三角形变量中的所有行和 return 那:

// creates a line of * for a given length
function makeLine(length) {
  var line = "";
  for (var j = 1; j <= length; j++) {
      line += "* ";
  return line + "\n";


// your code goes here.  Make sure you call makeLine() in your own code.
function buildTriangle(length){
  var tri='';
  return tri;

// test your code by uncommenting the following line

当您调用 console.log() 方法时,它将 return undefined(您可以在 console spec 中看到)。相反,您需要在每次循环迭代时将 makeLine(i) 的 return 添加到 tri 字符串(使用 +=)(将其构建为一个大三角形)。然后,完成后,return 构建的字符串。

除此之外,您应该在循环中的声明前面使用 var/let 并在 i=1 开始循环,因为您不希望结果中有一行零星字符串:

 * Programming Quiz: Build A Triangle (5-3)

// creates a line of * for a given length
function makeLine(length) {
  let line = "";
  for (let j = 1; j <= length; j++) {
    line += "* ";
  return line + "\n";


// your code goes here.  Make sure you call makeLine() in your own code.
function buildTriangle(length) {
  let tri = '';
  //   \/ -- add let/var here (doesn't effect output in this case) and initialize it to 1
  for (let i = 1; i <= length; i++) {
    tri += makeLine(i); // call makeLine(i) which returns a string
  return tri; // return the triangle string

// test your code by uncommenting the following line
console.log(buildTriangle(10)); // log the string