我可以从 activity 规则中 "end the story" 吗?

Can I "end the story" from within an activity rule?

我正在使用 "after reading a command" 规则劫持命令行。

"The Halting Problem" by jorendorff

Termination Hall is a room. "Please type your name."

The continuation is a rule that varies. The continuation is the naming rule.

After reading a command:
    [say "(executing [the continuation]...)";]
    follow the continuation;
    reject the player's command.


This is the naming rule:
    say "Thank you, [the player's command]. We are now going to end the story.";
    end the story saying "You have died";
    say "This line should not be reached."


Termination Hall

Please type your name.

> jorendorff
Thank you, jorendorff. We are now going to end the story.
This line should not be reached.


这是一个错误吗?有没有办法让故事真正以 after-activity 规则结束?

主要是出于今天不太相关的历史原因,"end the story" 不会立即停止游戏,而是设置一个 "deadflag" 在回合结束时进行检查,这将触发实际结束故事的关闭规则。在这种情况下,因为玩家的命令被拒绝,所以没有遵循正常的回合顺序,并且永远不会检查死旗。


This is the naming rule:
    say "Thank you, [the player's command]. We are now going to end the story.";
    end the story saying "You have died";
    follow the shutdown rules.