Spring Rest Docs json 请求和响应格式

Spring Rest Docs json request and response formatting


  "testId" : "message-1",
  "testType" : "TYPE",
  "nestedList" : [ {
    "nestedTestId" : 5,
    "nestedTestCode" : 2,
    "anotherNestedList" : [ {
      "anotherNestedFirst" : [ {
        "anotherId" : 1,
        "anotherValue" : "VALUE_1",
        "anotherDescription" : null
      }, {
        "anotherId" : 2,
        "anotherValue" : "VALUE_2",
        "anotherDescription" : "DESCRIPTION"
      } ]
    } ]
  } ]


braces are newline with slightly (2-space) indented lists as formatted by most online json formatter.

  "testId": "message-1",
  "testType": "TYPE",
  "nestedList": [
      "nestedTestId": 5,
      "nestedTestCode": 2,
      "anotherNestedList": [
          "anotherNestedFirst": [
              "anotherId": 1,
              "anotherValue": "VALUE_1",
              "anotherDescription": null
              "anotherId": 2,
              "anotherValue": "VALUE_2",
              "anotherDescription": "DESCRIPTION"

尝试了 Preprocessors replacePattern 和其他方法,但没有成功。 任何帮助,将不胜感激。谢谢!

Spring REST Docs 在其默认配置中使用 Jackson 来漂亮地打印 JSON 请求和响应。您可以通过自定义漂亮的打印行为编写自己的 ContentModifier 并创建使用它的预处理器来自定义此行为:

OperationPreprocessor prettyPrint = new ContentModifyingOperationPreprocessor((content, contentType) -> {
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    PrettyPrinter prettyPrinter = new DefaultPrettyPrinter()
    try {
        return objectMapper.writer(prettyPrinter).writeValueAsBytes(objectMapper.readTree(content));
    catch (IOException ex) {
         return content;


然后您可以在记录操作时使用 prettyPrint

    .andDo(document("example", preprocessRequest(prettyPrint), preprocessResponse(prettyPrint)));