如何测试 Salesforce Prod 部署的 contentdocumentlink 触发器

How to test contentdocumentlink trigger for Salesforce Prod deployment

我正在尝试部署触发器以在 salesforce 上进行生产。我希望有人能帮我举一个这个触发器的测试例子。

这是我的触发器。它实现了它的目的,即在新的 contentNote(或任何内容类型)随后通过流程构建器产生附带影响时更新 bool 字段。

trigger NewNote on ContentDocumentLink (before insert) {
Set<Id> setParentId = new Set<Id>();
List<Client_Relationships__c> crlst = new List<Client_Relationships__c>();

for (ContentDocumentLink cdl : trigger.new ) {
crlst = [select Id , newNote__c from Client_Relationships__c where Id IN :setParentId];
For(Client_Relationships__c e : crlst)
    e.newNote__c = True;
 update crlst;

您编写的触发器可以通过省略 SOQL 查询来提高效率,如下所示:

trigger NewNote on ContentDocumentLink (before insert) {
   List<Client_Relationships__c> crlst = new List<Client_Relationships__c>();

   for (ContentDocumentLink cdl : trigger.new ) {
      if(cdl.LinkedEntityId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName() == 'Client_Relationships__c'){
            new Client_Relationships__c(
               Id = cdl.LinkedEntityId,
               newNote__c = true
   update crlst;

最佳做法是将您的代码添加到处理程序或实用程序 class 并且每个对象只有一个触发器。如果您采用这种做法,此触发器的名称可以更改为 "ContentDocumentLinkTrigger"。

该触发器的测试 class 如下。我无法测试编译,因为我没有相同的自定义对象。

private class ContentDocumentLinkTriggerTest {

    static void setupTest() {
        insert new ContentVersion(
                Title = 'Test_Document.txt',
                VersionData = Blob.valueOf('This is my file body.'),
                SharingPrivacy  = 'N',
                SharingOption   = 'A',
                Origin          = 'H',
                PathOnClient    = '/Test_Document.txt'
        List<Client_Relationships__c> relationships = new List<Client_Relationships__c>();
        for(Integer i = 0; i < 300; i++){
                    new Client_Relationships__c(
                            //add required field names and values
        insert relationships;

    static testMethod void testInsertTrigger() {
        //prepare data
        List<ContentVersion> contentVersions = new List<ContentVersion>([
                SELECT Id, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion
        System.assertNotEquals(0, contentVersions.size(), 'ContentVersion records should have been retrieved');
        List<Client_Relationships__c> relationships = getAllClientRelationships();
        System.assertNotEquals(0, relationships.size(), 'Client Relationship records should have been retrieved.');
        List<ContentDocumentLink> documentLinks = new List<ContentDocumentLink>();
        for(Integer i = 0; i < 252; i++){
                    new ContentDocumentLink(
                            ContentDocumentId = contentVersions[0].ContentDocumentId,
                            LinkedEntityId = relationships[i].Id,
                            ShareType = 'I'
        //test functionality
            insert documentLinks;

        //assert expected results
        List<Client_Relationships__c> relationshipsAfterProcessing = getAllClientRelationships();
        for(Client_Relationships__c relationship : relationshipsAfterProcessing){
            System.assert(relationship.newNote__c, 'The newNote__c field value should be true.');

    private static List<Client_Relationships__c> getAllClientRelationships(){
        return new List<Client_Relationships__c>([
                SELECT Id, newNote__c FROM Client_Relationship__c

对于设置测试数据,有一个实用程序 class 可以集中创建格式正确的记录。当您的代码库变大并且验证规则影响在许多测试 class 中插入新数据时,这非常有用。采用集中式的方式,插入的数据只需要修改一次。