可以在 mvnrepository.com 上找到 Maven 依赖,但在 repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/ 上找不到
Can find maven dependency on mvnrepository.com but not on repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/
我的 POM 文件中有以下 maven 依赖关系
我可以在 mvnrepository.com here, however when I compile I get an unresolved dependency error and in the error it says it cannot find this dependency in https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 (which is true). So I'm wondering why does this exist in mvnrepository.com but not https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 上找到哪些?哪个才是真正的中央仓库?
看起来 mvnrepository.com 实际上是一个跨越许多存储库的聚合器,而不仅仅是 Maven Central。
this artifact it located at ICM repository (http://maven.icm.edu.pl/artifactory/repo/)
您可以 check out mvnrepository.com 索引的所有不同存储库。
要搜索 Maven Central,请使用 https://search.maven.org/
我的 POM 文件中有以下 maven 依赖关系
我可以在 mvnrepository.com here, however when I compile I get an unresolved dependency error and in the error it says it cannot find this dependency in https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 (which is true). So I'm wondering why does this exist in mvnrepository.com but not https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 上找到哪些?哪个才是真正的中央仓库?
看起来 mvnrepository.com 实际上是一个跨越许多存储库的聚合器,而不仅仅是 Maven Central。
this artifact it located at ICM repository (http://maven.icm.edu.pl/artifactory/repo/)
您可以 check out mvnrepository.com 索引的所有不同存储库。
要搜索 Maven Central,请使用 https://search.maven.org/