QnA Maker 如何在索引期间和之后保留文档?

How does QnA Maker persist documents during & after indexing?

将 indexing/parsing 的文档上传到 QnA Maker 时,文档似乎仍存储在工具中。它是否存储在工具本身中?它是否存储在幕后的 blob 存储中?这些文档是以明文形式存储还是加密?

根据 Service Configuration 页面,Azure 认知搜索资源用于存储您上传文档的索引版本。

Azure 认知服务本身使用静态服务器端加密,来自 this page

Microsoft-managed encryption-at-rest is built into the internal storage layer and is irrevocable. Optionally, you can supplement the default encryption with customer-managed encryption keys. Keys that you create and manage in Azure Key Vault are used to encrypt indexes and synonym maps in Azure Cognitive Search.

有关其工作原理的更多信息,请访问 Security Overview 页面。