无法使用传入 AWS SSM 命令的 awk 过滤器打印第二个字段

Unable to print the second field using awk filter passing in an AWS SSM Command

我正在尝试从 AWS SSM 参数存储中获取详细信息。我存储了数据,SSM 参数存储中的值是这样的:


请找到通过AWS CLI执行的SSM命令,输出结果如下:

aws ssm get-parameters --names "/Data/Details"

 - Output

    "Parameters": [
            "Name": "/Data/Details",
            "Type": "String",
            "Value": "CompanyName\Credits",
            "Version": 1,
            "LastModifiedDate": "2019-08-13T18:16:40.836000+00:00",
            "ARN": "arn:aws:ssm:us-west-1:8484848448444:parameter/Data/Details"
    "InvalidParameters": []
}  ```

In the above output, I am trying to print only **Credits** in **"Value": "CompanyName\Credits"**, so I have added more filters to my command as follows:

``` aws ssm get-parameters --names "/Data/Details" |grep -i "Value" |sed -e 's/[",]//g' |awk -F'\' '{print }' ```

The above command gives nothing in the output. But when I am trying to print the first field I am able  to see the output as  ** Value: CompanyName ** using the following command:

``` aws ssm get-parameters --names "/Data/Details" |grep -i "Value" |sed -e 's/[",]//g' |awk -F'\' '{print }' ```

Since this is Linux machine, the double slash in the field **Value : CompanyName\Credits ** occurred to escape the '\' character for the actual value CompanyName\Credits. Can someone let me know how can I modify the command to print only the value **Credits** in my output.



param_info=$(aws ssm get-parameters \
    --names "/Data/Details" \
    --query 'Parameters[0].Value' \
    --output text)

echo ${param_info} | awk -F'\' {'print '}

# or without awk

echo ${param_info#*\\}  # for Credit
echo ${param_info%\\*}  # for CompanyName

这个用query and output parameters to control output from the aws cli. Also bash parameter expansions都用了