
How to modify fields of a nested custom data type with lenses, when modifications depend on indices


{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell   #-}

import Control.Lens

data Typex = Typex 
    { _level       :: Int
    , _coordinate  :: (Int, Int)
    , _connections :: [(Int,(Int,Int))]
    } deriving Show
makeLenses ''Typex

initTypexLevel :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Typex] 
initTypexLevel a b c = [ Typex a (x, y) [(0,(0,0))]
                       | x <- [0..b], y <- [0..c]

buildNestedTypexs :: [(Int, Int)] -> [[Typex]]
buildNestedTypexs pts
     = setConnections [ initTypexLevel i y y
                      | (i,(_,y)) <- zip [0..] pts

setConnections :: [[Typex]] -> [[Typex]]
setConnections = ?

如何使用 lenses 修改所有 Typex 中的 connections 以及 [[Typex]] -> [[Typex]] 类型的函数,使得每个 Typex

connections = [(level of Typex being modified +1, (x, y))] where
x,y = 0..(length of next [Typex] in [[Typex]])/2

X和y都需要经过下一个[Typex]的那个长度。如果可能的话,最终的 [Typex] 应该保持不变。所以同一个[Typex]中每个Typex的所有连接都是一样的

setConnections $ buildNestedTypexs [(0,1),(1,1)] 的输出应该是:

[ [ Typex { _level = 0
          , _coordinate = (0,0)
          , _connections = [(1,(0,0)), (1,(0,1)), (1,(1,0)), (1,(1,1))] }
  , Typex { _level = 0
          , _coordinate = (0,1)
          , _connections = [(1,(0,0)), (1,(0,1)), (1,(1,0)), (1,(1,1))] }
  , Typex { _level = 0
          , _coordinate = (1,0)
          , _connections = [(1,(0,0)), (1,(0,1)), (1,(1,0)), (1,(1,1))] }
  , Typex { _level = 0
          , _coordinate = (1,1)
          , _connections = [(1,(0,0)), (1,(0,1)), (1,(1,0)), (1,(1,1))] }
 ,[ Typex { _level = 1
          , _coordinate = (0,0)
          , _connections = [(0,(0,0))] }
  , Typex { _level = 1
          , _coordinate = (0,1)
          , _connections = [(0,(0,0))] }
  , Typex { _level = 1
          , _coordinate = (1,0)
          , _connections = [(0,(0,0))] }
  , Typex { _level = 1
          , _coordinate = (1,1)
          , _connections = [(0,(0,0))] }

我想我需要 import Control.Lens.Indexed 但仅此而已,我们将不胜感激。


{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

setConnections :: [[Typex]] -> [[Typex]]
setConnections (x:rest@(y:_)) = map (connect y) x : setConnections rest
  where connect :: [Typex] -> Typex -> Typex
        connect txs tx
          = tx & connections .~ (map ((tx ^. level) + 1,) $ txs ^.. traverse.coordinate)
setConnections lst = lst

这不是一个纯粹的镜头解决方案,但我发现作为使用镜头的一般规则,让镜头做所有事情并不总是一个好主意一切 .这只会让事情变得难以编写和理解。

在这里,我在很多地方使用了 "plain Haskell":通过手动递归进行模式匹配以处理连续 xy[Typex] s 和我在第一个 x :: [Typex] 和第二个 y :: [Typex] 中使用 mapconnect 每个 Typex。我还使用 map 将新级别添加到坐标列表以生成新的 connections 值。


  • tx & connections .~ (...)tx :: Typexconnections 字段替换为新值
  • tx ^. level 获取当前 tx :: Typex
  • 的级别
  • txs ^.. traverse.coordinate 获取列表 txs :: [Typex] 和 returns 中所有 Typex 值的 coordinate 字段作为列表 [(Int,Int)]

在我看来,镜头和 "plain Haskell" 之间的这种平衡是处理复杂变换的最佳方式。