FATAL 日志在 Google Cloud Kubernetes 上标记为 INFO

FATAL log is marked as INFO on Google Cloud Kubernetes

我有一个使用 Rails 2.5.1 的应用程序,它部署在 Google Cloud Kubernetes 上,但日志不工作 good.The FATAL 错误显示为 INFO 日志而不是 ERROR或关键。




我更新了我的集群以使用最新的 Stackdriver API 但它仍然无法正常工作并且 Rails.logger.error 显示为 INFO。

查看文档 Cloud Logging for Legacy Logging and Monitoring section Best practices:

Severities: By default, logs written to the standard output are on the INFO level and logs written to the standard error are on the ERROR level. Structured logs can include a severity field, which defines the log's severity.

并且因为您正在使用 Ruby 生成的 RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT=true 日志事件,您可以看到严重性信息。

请记住,您应该迁移到 Kubernetes Engine Monitoring:

Warning: Legacy Logging and Monitoring support for Google Kubernetes Engine is deprecated. If you are using Legacy Logging and Monitoring, then you must migrate to Kubernetes Engine Monitoring before support for Legacy Logging and Monitoring is removed.


编辑 查看文档 Writing Logs section Writing log entries,您可以在其中找到 Ruby:


Here is some sample code to write a single log entry to mylog. The service, region, labels, and other content will change depending on the entry and the application doing the writing.

require "google/cloud/logging"

logging = Google::Cloud::Logging.new project: "my-gcp-project-id"

entry = logging.entry entry.log_name = "my_application_log" 
entry.payload  = "Log message" 
entry.severity = :NOTICE 
entry.resource.type = "gae_app" 
entry.resource.labels[:module_id] = "default" 
entry.resource.labels[:version_id] = "20160101t163030"

logging.write_entries entry

我将日志格式更改为使用 JSON。

config.log_formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg|
    message = msg
    message << " from #{progname}" if progname.present?
    content = JSON.dump(timestamp: datetime.to_s, severity: severity, message: message)
    content << "\n"