如何取消引用 Inno Setup Pascal Script 中的指针?

How can I dereference a pointer in Inno Setup Pascal Script?

我在 Inno Setup 脚本中从 DLL 文件调用一个函数,它的 return 类型是 PAnsiChar。 为了获得整个字符串,我需要取消引用指针,但标准的 Pascal 语法在这里不起作用。 甚至可以这样做吗?

function SQLDLL : PAnsiChar;
external 'GetSQLServerInstances@files:IsStartServer.dll stdcall setuponly';

function NextButtonClick(CurPage: Integer): Boolean;
  hWnd: Integer;
  Str : AnsiString;
  if CurPage = wpWelcome then begin
    hWnd := StrToInt(ExpandConstant('{wizardhwnd}'));

    MessageBox(hWnd, 'Hello from Windows API function', 'MessageBoxA', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);

    MyDllFuncSetup(hWnd, 'Hello from custom DLL function', 'MyDllFunc', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);

    Str := SQLDLL;
      { if this DLL does not exist (it shouldn't), an exception will be raised }
      DelayLoadedFunc(hWnd, 'Hello from delay loaded function', 'DllFunc', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);
      { handle missing dll here }
  Result := True;

我只有 DLL 文件。原文为Delphi.

我更新到最新版本的 Inno Setup 6.0.3 并在我家 Windows 10 Pro 机器上测试了这段代码:

AppName=My Program
DefaultDirName={autopf}\My Program
OutputDir=userdocs:Inno Setup Examples Output

Source: "MyProg.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "MyProg.chm"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "Readme.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: isreadme
Source: "IsStartServer.dll"; Flags: dontcopy

function SQLDLL : PAnsiChar;
external 'GetSQLServerInstances@files:IsStartServer.dll stdcall';

function NextButtonClick(CurPage: Integer): Boolean;
  Str : PAnsiChar;
  Str := SQLDLL;
  Result := True;


我不明白为什么它必须查看我的 'temp' 目录?我还听说这个问题可能以某种方式与 Windows 10 UAC 中的组策略有关,但我不确定我应该怎么做才能摆脱这个错误。

您不能在 Inno Setup Pascal 脚本中取消引用指针。


虽然在您的特定情况下,由于指向字符数组的指针在 API 中很普遍,Inno Setup Pascal Script(类似于 Delphi)可以将指向字符数组的指针分配给字符串。

因此,您应该能够简单地将 PChar 分配给 AnsiString:

function ReturnsPAnsiChar: PAnsiChar; extern '...';

  Str: AnsiString;
  Str := ReturnsPAnsiChar;

How to return a string from a DLL to Inno Setup?

如果我理解正确的话,你的 SQLDLL 自己管理一些内存缓冲区和 returns 一个指向 Unicode 字符串的指针(不是 ANSI,这就是为什么你根据 ).

,当您尝试 PAnsiChar 时只得到一个字符

Inno Setup 不直接支持它,甚至没有 PWideChar 类型。但是,我们可以自己处理。我们只需要分配一个大小合适的 Inno 字符串并手动复制数据。

这是一个如何执行此操作的工作示例。它使用 GetCommandLineW 作为 returns 和 PWideChar 的示例函数,但您可以对 SQLDLL 函数执行相同的操作。

  • 从外部函数获取指针并将其存储在变量中(Cardinal - 在我的示例中,我为其创建了一个 typedef PWideChar)。
  • 使用lstrlenW获取字符串长度。
  • 创建一个空的正则 String,但使用 SetLength 将其设置为正确的长度。这将预留足够的容量,以便我们在下一步写入实际内容。
  • 使用 lstrcpyW 将指针引用的字符串复制到您的常规 String 变量。
    • (如果您使用 ANSI 版本的 Inno Setup:请改用 WideCharToMultiByte,请参阅本文末尾的更新 post。)

诀窍是以目标指针声明为 String 但源指针声明为 Cardinal 的方式导入 lstrcpyW(或我的 typedef PWideChar 此处)。

  PWideChar = Cardinal; { Inno doesn't have a pointer type, so we use a Cardinal instead }

{ Example of a function that returns a PWideChar }
function GetCommandLineW(): PWideChar;
external 'GetCommandLineW@kernel32.dll stdcall';

{ This function allows us to get us the length of a string from a PWideChar }
function lstrlenW(lpString: PWideChar): Cardinal;
external 'lstrlenW@kernel32.dll stdcall';

{ This function copies a string - we declare it in such a way that we can pass a pointer
  to an Inno string as destination
  This works because Inno will actually pass a PWideChar that points to the start of the
  string contents in memory, and internally the string is still null-terminated
  We just have to make sure that the string already has the right size beforehand! }
function lstrcpyW_ToInnoString(lpStringDest: String; lpStringSrc: PWideChar): Integer;
external 'lstrcpyW@kernel32.dll stdcall';

function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
  returnedPointer: PWideChar; { This is what we get from the external function }
  stringLength: Cardinal; { Length of the string we got }
  innoString: String; { This is where we'll copy the string into }
  { Let's get the PWideChar from the external function }
  returnedPointer := GetCommandLineW();

  { The pointer is actually just a renamed Cardinal at this point: }
  Log('String pointer = ' + IntToStr(returnedPointer));

  { Now we have to manually allocate a new Inno string with the right length and
    copy the data into it }

  { Start by getting the string length }
  stringLength := lstrlenW(returnedPointer);
  Log('String length = ' + IntToStr(stringLength));

  { Create a string with the right size }
  innoString := '';
  SetLength(innoString, stringLength);

  { This check is necessary because an empty Inno string would translate to a NULL pointer
    and not a pointer to an empty string, and lstrcpyW cannot handle that. }
  if StringLength > 0 then begin
    { Copy string contents from the external buffer to the Inno string }
    lstrcpyW_ToInnoString(innoString, returnedPointer);

  { Now we have the value stored in a proper string variable! }
  Log('String value = ' + innoString);

  Result := False;


[15:10:55,551]   String pointer = 9057226
[15:10:55,560]   String length = 106
[15:10:55,574]   String value = "R:\Temp\is-9EJQ6.tmp\testsetup.tmp" /SL5="2AC6,121344,121344,Z:\Temp\testsetup.exe" /DEBUGWND=2722 


更新: 如果您使用的是 ANSI 版本的 Inno Setup 而不是 Unicode,则单独使用此代码是行不通的。需要做的改变是:不要使用 lstrcpyW,而是使用 WideCharToMultiByte:

function WideCharToMultiByte_ToInnoString(CodePage: Cardinal; dwFlags: Cardinal; lpWideCharStr: PWideChar; cchWideChar: Cardinal; lpMultiByteStr: String; cbMultiByte: Cardinal; lpDefaultChar: Cardinal; lpUsedDefaultChar: Cardinal): Integer;
external 'WideCharToMultiByte@kernel32.dll stdcall';

{ Later on: Instead of calling lstrcpyW_ToInnoString, use this:
  Note: The first parameter 0 stands for CP_ACP (current ANSI code page), and the
  string lengths are increased by 1 to include the null terminator }
WideCharToMultiByte_ToInnoString(0, 0, returnedPointer, stringLength + 1, innoString, stringLength + 1, 0, 0);