Python 递归回溯创建迷宫

Python Recurisve Backtracking to create a maze

我正在尝试通过递归回溯创建一个迷宫,但我似乎无法正确调用 create_maze()。在我的主菜单中,我这样称呼迷宫 class

迷宫 = Maze.create_maze(NoOfRows, NoOfColumns)

但是,我从 create_maze 收到一个参数错误,说我缺少额外的 "y" 或我的 self.path(0 缺少额外的 y


from numpy.random import random_integers as rand
from Generate import ascii_representation
from constants import *
import numpy as np

WALL_TYPE = np.int8
WALL = 0
RED = 2
BLUE = 3

class Maze:
    def __init__(self, Width, Height):
        self.Width = Width
        self.Height = Height
        self.board = np.zeros((Width, Height), dtype=WALL_TYPE)

    def set_borders(self):
        self.board[0, :] = self.board[-1, :] = WALL
        self.board[:, 0] = self.board[:, -1] = WALL

    def is_wall(self, x, y):
        return self.board[x][y] == WALL

    def set_wall(self, x, y):
        self.board[x][y] = WALL

    def remove_wall(self, x, y):
        self.board[x][y] = EMPTY

    def in_maze(self, x, y):
        return 0 <= x < self.Width and 0 <= y < self.Height

    def write_to_file(self, filename):
        f = open(filename, 'w')

    def set_path(self, x, y):
       self.board[y][x] = False

    def load_from_file(filename):
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            content = f.readlines()

        # remove whitespace characters like `\n` at the end of each line
        content = [x.strip() for x in content]

        xss = []
        for line in content:
            xs = []

            for c in line:
                if c == ' ':
                elif c == 'X':
                    raise ValueError('unexpected character found: ' + c)


        maze = Maze(len(xss), len(xss[0]))

        for xs in xss:
            assert len(xs) == maze.Height

        for i in range(maze.Width):
            for j in range(maze.Height):
                if xss[i][j] == EMPTY:
                    maze.remove_wall(i, j)
                    maze.set_wall(i, j)

        return maze

    def complete_maze(Width, Height):
        maze = Maze(Width, Height)

        for i in range(Width):
            for j in range(Height):
                maze.board[i][j] = WALL

        return maze

    def create_maze(x, y):
       Maze.set_path(x, y)
       all_directions = [[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]]

       while len(all_directions) > 0:
           direction_to_try = all_directions.pop()
           node_x = x + (direction_to_try[0] * 2)
           node_y = y + (direction_to_try[1] * 2)

           if Maze.is_wall(node_x, node_y):
               link_cell_x = x + direction_to_try[0]
               link_cell_y = y + direction_to_try[1]
               self.set_path(link_cell_x, link_cell_y)
               self.create_maze(node_x, node_y)

看看 set_path 的定义:

def set_path(self, x, y):

这需要三个参数。当你用 Maze.set_path(x,y) 调用它时,你只给了它两个:xy。 Python 需要三个,顺序是 self,然后是 x,然后是 y。 Python 正在将您给出的 x 解释为 self,然后将 y 解释为 x,然后给出一个错误,即 y 不是给定的。但实际上缺少的是 self!

要解决此问题,您需要将此调用更改为 self.set_path(x, y)(这是 Maze.set_path(self, x, y) 的快捷方式)。您还需要将 self 传递给 create_maze,方法是将其定义更改为 def create_maze(self, x, y)。最后,将您调用 create_maze() 的方式更改为

maze = Maze(NoOfRows, NoOfCols).create_maze(NoOfRows, NoOfColumns)

顺便说一句,您似乎从未使用过 self.Widthself.Height。您应该将它们从 __init__ 中删除并仅采用 create_maze() 中传递的 xy,或者将 create_maze() 更改为使用 self.Widthself.Height 而不是将 xy 作为参数。