Power Automate 将成员添加到组

Power Automate Add member to Group

当我执行 Power Automate 时, 当应用程序执行添加成员到组时, 它向我显示如下错误。

和 条件


您似乎在将 Responses 与字符串 "Approve" 进行比较。问题可能在于 Responses 是许多单独的 Response 记录的集合。 If you look at this Microsoft Doc,它显示了检查Response是否等于"Approve"的条件。请注意 Response 缺少结尾的 s.

假设您有多个可能的 Response 要检查,并且您只需要一个 "Approve" 响应即可将它们添加到组中,you can use the solution proposed int this power user's forum

Use filter action to get your information (one with Approve other with Reject)

expression is item()?['approverResponse']

Then use expression length(dynamicontentfilterarray) to get your results (will give you count of approve or reject)