为什么我的 json 响应不符合我的结构?

Why is my json response not conforming to my struct?

我做了一个简单的 api 来测试 apiary,我已经为响应创建了一个结构。但是当调用时,由于某种原因我试图让它符合我的结构,我没有得到 body 而只得到 header。我想获得小联盟球队并将它们放入此结构中,然后打印它们。

APIlink: https://littleleaguers.docs.apiary.io/#reference/0/little-league-teams/list-all-little-league-teams


    "name": "Little League Teams"
    "teams": [
            "id": 1,
            "team": "Yankees",
            "players": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "position": 1,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 2,
                    "position": 2,
                    "player": {
                        "name": "John",
                        "last": "Johnson",
                        "jersey": 5
                        "signed_up": "2018-07-16T08:40:51.620Z"
                    "id": 3,
                    "position": 3,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 4,
                    "position": 4,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 5,
                    "position": 5,
                    "player": {
                        "name": "Blake",
                        "last": "Smith",
                        "jersey": 28
                        "signed_up": "2018-07-14T18:23:23.000Z"
                    "id": 6,
                    "position": 6,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 7,
                    "position": 7,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 8,
                    "position": 8,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 9,
                    "position": 9,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 10,
                    "position": 10,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 11,
                    "position": 11,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 12,
                    "position": 12,
                    "player": null
            "id": 2,
            "team": "Red Sox",
            "players": [
                    "id": 13,
                    "position": 1,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 14,
                    "position": 2,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 15,
                    "position": 3,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 16,
                    "position": 4,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 17,
                    "position": 5,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 18,
                    "position": 6,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 19,
                    "position": 7,
                    "player": null


struct League: Decodable {
var name: String
var  teams: [Teams]



    struct Team: Decodable {
var id: Int
var team: String
var players: [Players]



 struct Players: Decodable {

var id: Int
var position: Int
var player: player?


    struct player: Decodable {

var name: String
var last: String
var jersey: Int
var signed_up: String


然后我有一个 class 来检索此数据:


    class GetData{
    func getLeague(){
        let url = URL(string: "https://private-4df2e8-littleleaguers.apiary-mock.com/league")!
        let request = URLRequest(url: url)

    let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
      if let response = response {
        print("RESPONSE \(response)")

       /* if let data = data, let body = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
          print("BODY \(body)")
          // this line prints the body
        if let data = data, let dataObtained = try? JSONDecoder().decode(League.self, from: data){

            print("DATA \(dataObtained).....")// this line does not print 
      } else {
        print(error ?? "Unknown error")



然后我在 ViewController.swift 中调用它:

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
    let getData = GetData()


 RESPONSE <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x6000008e5e80> { URL: https://private-4df2e8-littleleaguers.apiary-mock.com/league } { Status Code: 200, Headers {
    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" =     (
    "Content-Encoding" =     (
    "Content-Length" =     (
    "Content-Type" =     (
    Date =     (
        "Fri, 06 Mar 2020 13:35:40 GMT"
    Vary =     (
    "access-control-allow-methods" =     (
    "access-control-max-age" =     (
    "x-apiary-ratelimit-limit" =     (
    "x-apiary-ratelimit-remaining" =     (
    "x-apiary-transaction-id" =     (
} }

修复返回的 JSON,这是错误的,结构模型中的所有内容都很好,请在 online swift playground:

import Foundation

let json = """
    "name": "Little League Teams",
    "teams": [
            "id": 1,
            "team": "Yankees",
            "players": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "position": 1,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 2,
                    "position": 2,
                    "player": {
                        "name": "John",
                        "last": "Johnson",
                        "jersey": 5,
                        "signed_up": "2018-07-16T08:40:51.620Z"
                    "id": 3,
                    "position": 3,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 4,
                    "position": 4,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 5,
                    "position": 5,
                    "player": {
                        "name": "Blake",
                        "last": "Smith",
                        "jersey": 28,
                        "signed_up": "2018-07-14T18:23:23.000Z"
                    "id": 6,
                    "position": 6,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 7,
                    "position": 7,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 8,
                    "position": 8,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 9,
                    "position": 9,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 10,
                    "position": 10,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 11,
                    "position": 11,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 12,
                    "position": 12,
                    "player": null
            "id": 2,
            "team": "Red Sox",
            "players": [
                    "id": 13,
                    "position": 1,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 14,
                    "position": 2,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 15,
                    "position": 3,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 16,
                    "position": 4,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 17,
                    "position": 5,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 18,
                    "position": 6,
                    "player": null
                    "id": 19,
                    "position": 7,
                    "player": null
""".data(using: .utf8)!

struct player: Decodable {
    var name: String
    var last: String
    var jersey: Int
    var signed_up: String

struct Players: Decodable {
    var id: Int
    var position: Int
    var player: player?

struct Team: Decodable {
    var id: Int
    var team: String
    var players: [Players]

struct League: Decodable {
    var name: String
    var teams: [Team]

if let results = try? JSONDecoder().decode(League.self, from: json) {


League(name: "Little League Teams", teams: [SwiftPlayground.Team(id: 1, team: "Yankees", players: [SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 1, position: 1, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 2, position: 2, player: Optional(SwiftPlayground.player(name: "John", last: "Johnson", jersey: 5, signed_up: "2018-07-16T08:40:51.620Z"))), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 3, position: 3, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 4, position: 4, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 5, position: 5, player: Optional(SwiftPlayground.player(name: "Blake", last: "Smith", jersey: 28, signed_up: "2018-07-14T18:23:23.000Z"))), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 6, position: 6, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 7, position: 7, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 8, position: 8, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 9, position: 9, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 10, position: 10, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 11, position: 11, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 12, position: 12, player: nil)]), SwiftPlayground.Team(id: 2, team: "Red Sox", players: [SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 13, position: 1, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 14, position: 2, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 15, position: 3, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 16, position: 4, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 17, position: 5, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 18, position: 6, player: nil), SwiftPlayground.Players(id: 19, position: 7, player: nil)])])