模块上的产品自动完成输入 (Prestashop)

Product autocomplete input on module (Prestashop)

我正在开发一个必须列出现有产品列表的 prestashop 模块。

对于模块的配置面板,使用 renderForm()getContent(),我正在尝试复制 "accesories" 功能,您开始在输入中写入产品的一些信息,它会显示匹配的产品。选择该产品时,它会添加到列表中。像这样:


我正在尝试 PS 和 PS1.6.1.0RC3。我如何复制此功能以获取模块配置面板上的产品列表?

我试着查看这里 Prestashop AdminProductsController.php,但我真的不明白一半信息的来源。

我认为要实现该功能,renderForm() 函数是不够的,因为您必须绑定一些 javascript 和一些自定义 html.

编写一个功能齐全的模块的过程有点长,但是以附件功能为起点就不会那么难,而且您总是可以参考 "how-to-do-it"。 我会这样做:

1) 首先创建您的



    public function getContent(){

    //post process part to save the associations
     ... //we will see it later

    $my_associations = MyModule::getAssociationsLight($this->context->language->id,Tools::getValue('id_product')); //function that will retrieve the array of all the product associated on my module table.

                    'my_associations' => $my_associations,
                    'product_id' => (int)Tools::getValue('id_product')

    return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/admin/admintemplate.tpl'); //custome template to create the autocomplete


//our little function to get the already saved list, for each product we will retrieve id, name and reference with a join on the product/product_lang tables.
 public static function getAssociationsLight($id_lang, $id_product, Context $context = null)
        if (!$context)
            $context = Context::getContext();

        $sql = 'SELECT p.`id_product`, p.`reference`, pl.`name`
                FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'my_associations`
                LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p ON (p.`id_product`= `id_product_2`)
                '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').'
                LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_lang` pl ON (
                    p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product`
                    AND pl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$id_lang.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('pl').'
                WHERE `id_product_1` = '.(int)$id_product;

        return Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql);

2) 创建一个能够显示自动完成和列表的模板。 在这里,我们将循环遍历保存的关联以创建我们的自动完成列表,我们将使用一些隐藏字段来跟踪 ids/name 以及一个可见列表,我们将为每一行设置一个删除按钮。

        <input type="hidden" name="inputMyAssociations" id="inputMyAssociations" value="{foreach from=$my_associations item=accessory}{$accessory.id_product}-{/foreach}" />
        <input type="hidden" name="nameMyAssociations" id="nameMyAssociations" value="{foreach from=$my_associations item=accessory}{$accessory.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}¤{/foreach}" />
        <div id="ajax_choose_product_association">
            <div class="input-group">
                <input type="text" id="product_autocomplete_input_association" name="product_autocomplete_input_association" />
                <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="icon-search"></i></span>

        <div id="divMyAssociations">
            {foreach from=$my_associations item=accessory}
                <div class="form-control-static">
                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default delAssociation" name="{$accessory.id_product}">
                        <i class="icon-remove text-danger"></i>
                    {$accessory.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{if !empty($accessory.reference)}{$accessory.reference}{/if}
    <input type="submit" name="submitMyAssociations" id="submitMyAssociations" value="Send"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="productId" id="productId" value="{$product_id|escape:'html'}"/>

3) 现在我们可以添加 javascript 以在主输入上绑定自动完成并为每个操作执行所有逻辑

//our function wrapper.
            var initMyAssociationsAutocomplete = function (){
//initialize the autocomplete that will point to the default ajax_products_list page (it returns the products by id+name)
                        .autocomplete('ajax_products_list.php', {
                            minChars: 1,
                            autoFill: true,
                            matchContains: true,
                            formatItem: function(item) {
                                return item[1]+' - '+item[0];
    //as an option we will add a function to exclude a product if it's already in the list
                    extraParams: {
                        excludeIds : getAssociationsIds()
    //function to exclude a product if it exists in the list
            var getAssociationsIds = function()
                if ($('#inputMyAssociations').val() === undefined)
                    return '';
                return $('#inputMyAssociations').val().replace(/\-/g,',');
    //function to add a new association, adds it in the hidden input and also as a visible div, with a button to delete the association any time.
            var addAssociation = function(event, data, formatted)
                if (data == null)
                    return false;
                var productId = data[1];
                var productName = data[0];

                var $divAccessories = $('#divCrossSellers');
                var $inputAccessories = $('#inputMyAssociations');
                var $nameAccessories = $('#nameMyAssociations');

                /* delete product from select + add product line to the div, input_name, input_ids elements */
                $divAccessories.html($divAccessories.html() + '<div class="form-control-static"><button type="button" class="delAssociation btn btn-default" name="' + productId + '"><i class="icon-remove text-danger"></i></button>&nbsp;'+ productName +'</div>');
                $nameAccessories.val($nameAccessories.val() + productName + '¤');
                $inputAccessories.val($inputAccessories.val() + productId + '-');
                    extraParams: {excludeIds : getAssociationsIds()}
    //the function to delete an associations, delete it from both the hidden inputs and the visible div list.
            var delAssociations = function(id)
                var div = getE('divMyAssociations');
                var input = getE('inputMyAssociations');
                var name = getE('nameMyAssociations');

                // Cut hidden fields in array
                var inputCut = input.value.split('-');
                var nameCut = name.value.split('¤');

                if (inputCut.length != nameCut.length)
                    return alert('Bad size');

                // Reset all hidden fields
                input.value = '';
                name.value = '';
                div.innerHTML = '';
                for (i in inputCut)
                    // If empty, error, next
                    if (!inputCut[i] || !nameCut[i])
                        continue ;

                    // Add to hidden fields no selected products OR add to select field selected product
                    if (inputCut[i] != id)
                        input.value += inputCut[i] + '-';
                        name.value += nameCut[i] + '¤';
                        div.innerHTML += '<div class="form-control-static"><button type="button" class="delAssociation btn btn-default" name="' + inputCut[i] +'"><i class="icon-remove text-danger"></i></button>&nbsp;' + nameCut[i] + '</div>';
                        $('#selectAssociation').append('<option selected="selected" value="' + inputCut[i] + '-' + nameCut[i] + '">' + inputCut[i] + ' - ' + nameCut[i] + '</option>');

                    extraParams: {excludeIds : getAssociationsIds()}

    //finally initialize the function we have written above and create all the binds.
//live delegation of the deletion button to our delete function, this will allow us to delete also any element added after the dom creation with the ajax autocomplete.
                $('#divMyAssociations').delegate('.delAssociation', 'click', function(){

4) 现在您只需要保存由模块自动完成建立的关联,我建议首先删除对给定产品建立的任何关联,然后保存所有关联。所以你不必关心插入或更新条目

public function getContent(){

//post process part

       $product_id = (int)Tools::getValue('productId');
// see the function below, a simple query to delete all the associations on a product
            if ($associations = Tools::getValue('inputMyAssociations'))
                $associations_id = array_unique(explode('-', $associations));
                if (count($associations_id))
                   //insert all the association we have made.
                    $this->changeMyAssociations($associations_id, $product_id);



protected function deleteMyAssociations($product_id){
return Db::getInstance()->execute('DELETE FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'my_associations` WHERE `id_product_1` = '.(int)$product_id);

protected function changeMyAssociations($associations_id, $product_id){
        foreach ($associations_id as $id_product_2)
            Db::getInstance()->insert('my_associations', array(
                'id_product_1' => (int)$product_id,
                'id_product_2' => (int)$id_product_2


prestashop 中有一个自动完成插件,您必须为此使用它。它在 js->jquery->plugins 中,你必须将这个插件添加到你的模块中才能使其工作。