Exit clause in recursive call
def solve(board, cell):
#calculate row and column of board
row = cell // 9
col = cell - (row*9)
#check if unfilled cell
if board[row][col] == 0:
#calculates possible numbers for cell
nums = getCandidates(row, col)
#if no possibilities previous cell must be wrong
if(len(nums) == 0):
return 0
#Iterate all possibilities assume each num is correct until proven wrong
for i in nums:
board[row][col] = i
solve(board, cell + 1)
#No possibilities were correct previous cell must be wrong
#Clear current cell and return to previous instance of solve()
board[row][col] = 0
#Cell already filled skip to next
solve(board, cell+1)
我需要一个 exit 语句,该语句将在达到拼图解决方案后退出所有递归调用。我不知道该怎么做,需要帮助。将来,我还想添加一个功能,让算法继续通过解决方案检查任何其他可能的解决方案。请记住这一点,以便退出语句适用于此。谢谢!
- 我觉得你在尝试自己发现事物,
- 互联网上已经有很多例子了。
所以这里有一个更一般的提示 - 您可以重新设计您的算法以像这样工作:
def solve(problem):
if problem is trivial / all candidates were filled:
return if it succeeded
for candidate in possible candidates:
try candidate
if solve(smaller problem):
return True
raise RuntimeError('Problem has no solutions')
基本上,使用 solve()
return 值并在每次递归调用时检查它们。在面向蛮力的搜索中,这是非常常见的方法。 IE。利用那个 0
(应该是 False
顺便说一句)你 return 在一个地方,添加一些 return True
和一个 if
... 然后你'重新设置。
请注意,暴力破解数独谜题虽然可能是很好的教育体验,但并不是 the best approach in general。
def solve(board, cell):
#calculate row and column of board
row = cell // 9
col = cell - (row*9)
#check if unfilled cell
if board[row][col] == 0:
#calculates possible numbers for cell
nums = getCandidates(row, col)
#if no possibilities previous cell must be wrong
if(len(nums) == 0):
return 0
#Iterate all possibilities assume each num is correct until proven wrong
for i in nums:
board[row][col] = i
solve(board, cell + 1)
#No possibilities were correct previous cell must be wrong
#Clear current cell and return to previous instance of solve()
board[row][col] = 0
#Cell already filled skip to next
solve(board, cell+1)
我需要一个 exit 语句,该语句将在达到拼图解决方案后退出所有递归调用。我不知道该怎么做,需要帮助。将来,我还想添加一个功能,让算法继续通过解决方案检查任何其他可能的解决方案。请记住这一点,以便退出语句适用于此。谢谢!
- 我觉得你在尝试自己发现事物,
- 互联网上已经有很多例子了。
所以这里有一个更一般的提示 - 您可以重新设计您的算法以像这样工作:
def solve(problem):
if problem is trivial / all candidates were filled:
return if it succeeded
for candidate in possible candidates:
try candidate
if solve(smaller problem):
return True
raise RuntimeError('Problem has no solutions')
基本上,使用 solve()
return 值并在每次递归调用时检查它们。在面向蛮力的搜索中,这是非常常见的方法。 IE。利用那个 0
(应该是 False
顺便说一句)你 return 在一个地方,添加一些 return True
和一个 if
... 然后你'重新设置。
请注意,暴力破解数独谜题虽然可能是很好的教育体验,但并不是 the best approach in general。