
Add The Persian language

我想在波斯语中使用 Mapbox。我在 MapBox API 文档中搜索但没有找到任何内容。我需要做什么?

Mapbox Streets v8 reference details the information provided by the default Mapbox Streets tileset. The languages in which label names are globally available are documented here. Additionally, each map label with a name field has a name_script field,指示该文本中使用的主要语言(这有助于使用 "local" 语言设计地图样式)。遗憾的是,目前波斯语既未作为全球语言也未作为本地语言提供,但我建议您密切关注这些参考资料,以了解将来标签语言的可用性是否会发生变化。

如果您自己有波斯语标签数据,您可以upload the data to Mapbox and add it as a layer to a custom map style. Alternatively, if you have a relatively small number of map labels whose language you need to changed, you could follow this guide on customizing label text for a single label用对应的波斯语替换文本。