是否有关于 ICE Lite 实现的可靠文档或 RFC?

Is there any reliable document or RFC on ICE Lite implementation?

ICE 协议已在 RFC 8445 中更新。ICE lite 早于该 RFC。 RFC 8445 中有关 ICE Lite 的详细信息在附录 A 中提供。非常粗略。然而,早在 2007 年,就有人试图正式定义 ICE Lite。那是在这个草稿 RFC 中。它具有相当的描述性,但有些陈述与 RFC 8445 中的陈述相冲突。例如,RFC 8445 确实允许两个对等点都是 ICE LITE,而草案文档则另有建议。

有人可以指出 ICE LITE 的 RFC 草案中的例外或更正,使其与 RFC 8445 兼容吗?或者指向比 RFC 8445 中的描述更详细地描述 ICE LITE 的文档?

我没有使用 libnice,但由于 ICE 上没有相关标签,所以我使用了 libnice,希望 libnice 的用户能得到一些信息。

pion/ice 有一个 ICE Lite 选项。我通过反复试验做了一些事情,但这是我一路上学到的东西。

来自RFC 8445 6.1.1. Determining Role

   Both lite:  The initiating agent that started the ICE processing MUST
      take the controlling role, and the other MUST take the controlled
      role.  In this case, no connectivity checks are ever sent.
      Rather, once the candidates are exchanged, each agent performs the
      processing described in Section 8 without connectivity checks.  It
      is possible that both agents will believe they are controlled or
      controlling.  In the latter case, the conflict is resolved through
      glare detection capabilities in the signaling protocol enabling
      the candidate exchange.  The state of ICE processing for each data
      stream is considered to be Running, and the state of ICE overall
      is Running.

我还没有找到一个广泛的地方来了解 ICE Lite。但是你可以看看pion/ice的表现,很乐意回答更多个人问题!