当我在 App 组件上使用 setState() 时,将 Context API 与 react-native-router-flux 一起使用会重置堆栈

Using Context API with react-native-router-flux resets the stack when I use setState() on the App component

我正在编写 React Native 应用程序。 我决定使用 React 的 Context API 将全局状态传递给子组件,并传递一些回调,这将调用 App 组件中的 setState() 。 我使用 react-native-router-flux 在组件(页面)之间导航。 通过读取 App 状态我没有任何问题,但是当我 setState() 时,我会自动返回到初始组件页面。 setState() 叫得好

我已经在路由器的 ComponetShouldUpdate() 中尝试 return false 但没有成功...

export default class 路由扩展组件{ 使成为() { return ( ` ) }}

这是我的应用 class,我在其中存储了 globalState。

export default class App extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.clearData = this.clearData.bind(this)
    this.storeData = this.storeData.bind(this)

    this.state = {
      isReady: false,
      calendar: [],
      best: 0,
      bestPercent: "0 %",
      clearData: this.clearData,
      storeData: this.storeData,

  clearData = async () => {
    const asyncStorageKeys = await AsyncStorage.getAllKeys();
    if (asyncStorageKeys.length > 0) {
      await AsyncStorage.clear();
      best: 0,                           //
      calendar: [],                      //
      bestString: secondsToHms(0),       //
      bestPercent: getPercent(0),        // If I delete these lines, react-native-router-flux won't reset

  storeData = async (result) => {
    let today = new Date();
    let data = {}
    data.date = today
    data.result = result
    let calendar = this.state.calendar;
    let foundIndex = calendar.findIndex(element => sameDay(new Date(element.date), today));
    if (foundIndex === -1) {
    } else {
        if (calendar[foundIndex].result < result) {
            calendar[foundIndex].result = result;

    try {
        await AsyncStorage.setItem('calendar', JSON.stringify(calendar))
        this.state.calendar = calendar;
        if (result > this.state.best) {
            await AsyncStorage.setItem('best', result.toString())

            this.setState(state => ({               //
              best: result || 0,                    //
              bestString: secondsToHms(result),     //
              bestPercent: getPercent(result),      //
            }));                                    //  If I delete these lines, react-native-router-flux won't reset

    } catch (e) {}

  async componentDidMount() {
    await Font.loadAsync({
      Roboto: require('native-base/Fonts/Roboto.ttf'),
      Chintok: require('native-base/Fonts/Chintok.ttf'),
      Roboto_medium: require('native-base/Fonts/Roboto_medium.ttf'),
      Minecraft: require('native-base/Fonts/Minecraft.ttf'),
    await this.loadBest();
    await this.loadCalendar();    
    this.setState({ isReady: true });

  render() {
    if (!this.state.isReady) {
      return <AppLoading />;

    return (
      <GlobalStateContext.Provider value={this.state}>
        <StyleProvider style={getTheme(material)}>
          <Container >
            <Routes />

我现在使用 react-navigation,因为 react-native-router-flux 没有得到积极维护