如何计算来自自定义 post 类型 ACF WORDPRESS 的同一字段中的值

HOW TO COUNT() value in the same field from custom post type ACF WORDPRESS

我的字段名称 "amount" 来自我的自定义 post 类型我想要的只是每次我 post 我通过 ACF 创建的金额字段将 count() 字段金额


  // The task is a post in custom post type different amount 
  // the first value post ex. 10, Second post 20, Third post will be 30

  // I am trying this but not work
  $varAmount = get_field('amount');
  $varCount = count($varAmount);

 echo $varCount;

  Output expected is: 60

  // but showing 1010101;
  // how to do that 60 instead of 101010?

$faq = new  WP_Query($args_faqs);

if ( $faq->have_posts() ) {
 * Begin the loop tags post

    #echo count(get_field('loan_amount_applied'));
     $total_amount = 0; 
     $amountapplied = get_field('loan_amount_applied'); 
     $total_amount += $amountapplied; 

     $varCount = count($total_amount); 

     // array() = $amountapplied);
     // if(is_array($amountappliedCOntainer)) {
     // $total_amount = count($amountappliedCOntainer);

while ( $faq->have_posts() ) {

欢迎来到 SO。 由于您需要计算多个帖子的值,因此您需要在循环外初始化一个值为 0 的变量。然后您需要将 amount(ACF FIELD) 的值添加到该变量,然后回显它。


<?php if ( have_posts() ) : 

$counter = 0;

/* Start the Loop */
while ( have_posts() ) :
$varAmount = get_field('amount');
$counter += $varAmount;
echo $counter;
