如何在 C++ 中使用关键字 delete 删除特定的模板专业化

How to Delete specific template specialization with keyword delete in C++

我正在尝试了解 C++11 中关键字 delete 的一些用例。

所以我试图通过在 main 方法中删除其构造函数来删除特定的 class 模板特化。


using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class ComplexNumber
   T x;
   T y;    
      ComplexNumber(T a, T b) : x(a) , y(b) {}        
      void display()  {    std::cout<<x << " + i"<<y<<std::endl;   }

int main()
    ComplexNumber(char a, char b) = delete;
    ComplexNumber<int> obj1(1,2);
    ComplexNumber<double> obj2(1.0,2.0);
    ComplexNumber<char> obj3('1' , '2');
    return 0;

但是程序执行并没有像预期的那样阻塞在 "ComplexNumber obj3('1' , '2')" 上,而是在 "ComplexNumber(char a, char b) = delete".



main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
main.cpp:28:18: error: missing template arguments before ‘(’ token
ComplexNumber(char a, char b) = delete;
main.cpp:28:19: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’
ComplexNumber(char a, char b) = delete;
main.cpp:28:27: error: expected primary-expression before ‘char’
ComplexNumber(char a, char b) = delete;
main.cpp:28:43: error: expected primary-expression before ‘;’ token
ComplexNumber(char a, char b) = delete;

您能否帮助理解为什么我们不能在此处删除特定构造函数"for char type"?

对模板施加约束的更惯用的方法是使用 static_assert.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class ComplexNumber
   static_assert(!std::is_same_v<T, char>);
   T x;
   T y;    
      ComplexNumber(T a, T b) : x(a) , y(b) {}
      void display()  {    std::cout<<x << " + i"<<y<<std::endl;   }

int main()
    ComplexNumber<int> obj1(1,2);
    ComplexNumber<double> obj2(1.0,2.0);
    ComplexNumber<char> obj3('1' , '2');
    return 0;


用户在尝试使用 char 实例化您的 class 时收到一条错误消息。在这里,我将使用带有有用消息的 static_assert

template <typename T>
class ComplexNumber
  static_assert(!std::is_same_v<char, T>, 
                "char is not allowed because .... consider using ??? instead.");

  // ...

当构造函数本身是一个函数模板时,通常你想要= delete一个(或多个)构造函数:

class MyComplexNumber
  double _re;
  double _im;

  template <typename T>
  MyComplexNumber(T re, T im) : _re(re), _im(im) { }

  MyComplexNumber(char, char) = delete;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class ComplexNumber
   T x;
   T y;    
      ComplexNumber(T a, T b) : x(a) , y(b) {}        
      void display()  {    std::cout<<x << " + i"<<y<<std::endl;   }
template<> ComplexNumber<char>::ComplexNumber(char a, char b) = delete;//<== the right way to delete
int main()
    ComplexNumber<int> obj1(1,2);
    ComplexNumber<double> obj2(1.0,2.0);
    ComplexNumber<char> obj3('1' , '2');
    return 0;


main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: main.cpp:19:39: error: use of deleted function ‘ComplexNumber::ComplexNumber(T, T) [with T = char]’
     ComplexNumber<char> obj3('1' , '2');
                                       ^ main.cpp:13:12: 
note: declared here  template<> ComplexNumber<char>::ComplexNumber(char a, char b) = delete;
