Angular - 如何将路由分成模块?

Angular - how to separate the routes into modules?

我正在开发带有 Angular 8+ 应用程序的 NativeScript。

我有 2 个功能模块:身份验证和身份验证。 现在我所有的路由都在一个主路由文件中:app-routing.module.ts



const routes: Routes = [
    { path: "", redirectTo: "/landing-page", pathMatch: "full" },
    { path: "landing-page", component: LandingPageComponent },
    { path: "register-client-code", component: RegisterClientCodeComponent },
    { path: "register-via-sso", component: RegisterViaSsoComponent },
    { path: "sign-up-page", component: SignUpPageComponent },
    { path: "home-page", component: HomePageComponent },
    { path: "activities", component: ActivitiesComponent },
    { path: "flexi-balance", component: FlexiBalanceComponent },
    { path: "balance-details", component: BalanceDetailsComponent }

    imports: [NativeScriptRouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
    exports: [NativeScriptRouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }


通过在您的父路由文件中使用 loadChildren 导入功能模块(带有相应的路由):

    path: 'authenticated',
    loadChildren: () =>
    import('./authenticated/authenticated.module').then(m => m.AuthenticatedModule),

A​​uthenticatedModule 内部导入 AuthenticatedRoutingModule

编辑:查看 Angular 文档(延迟加载)以获取更多信息: