NPM 审计警告来自哪里?

Where do NPM audit warnings come from?

据我所知 the docs,

The audit command submits a description of the dependencies configured in your project to your default registry and asks for a report of known vulnerabilities.

所以那里有一个 NPM 注册表,我假设我将从中获取带有 npm install 的软件包的同一个注册表,以及它包含安全审计警告的软件包。如果是这样,如何注册这些警告?

NPM 安装的默认存储库是 They have a security policy, along with a specific guide to reporting,它指出:

If you find a security vulnerability in an npm package (either yours or someone else’s), you can report it to the npm Security team to help keep the Javascript ecosystem safe.


  1. On the package page, click Report a vulnerability.