
JGraphT: Replacing subtree in a directed acyclic graph by another subtree


     a                               i
   /    \                          /    \
  b      c                        j      k
 / \    / \                      / \    / \
d   e  f   g                    l   m  n   o

我需要从第一个图中提取子图 b 并在第二个图中替换它,如下所示:

   /    \
  j      b
 / \    / \
l   m  d   e

JGraphT 中是否存在允许这样做的 API?


  • 两个输入图,g1g2都是无环有向图(树)
  • 您想用 g1
  • 中的子树替换 g2 中的子树
  • g1g2都是顶点和边不相交,即g1中的顶点(边)没有出现在g2中,反之亦然。

JGraphT 没有内置的子树替换方法,但实现这种方法相当简单:

* Replaces the subtree rooted in root2 in graph g2 with the subtree rooted in root1 in graph g1. Graph g1 is left
* unchanged.
* @param g1 first graph
* @param g2 second graph
* @param root1 root of subtree in first graph
* @param root2 root of subtree in second graph
* @param <V> vertex type
* @param <E> edge type
public static <V,E> void replaceSubtree(Graph<V, E> g1, Graph<V, E> g2, V root1, V root2){
    //1. Add subtree under root1 to graph g2 as a disconnected component
    BreadthFirstIterator<V, E> bfs = new BreadthFirstIterator<>(g1,root1);
    while (bfs.hasNext()){
        V vertex=bfs.next();
        V parent=bfs.getParent(vertex);

    //2. Get the edge (object) between root2 and its parent. A special case occurs if root2 is also the root of g2
    // in which case it does not have a parent.
    E treeEdge = (g2.incomingEdgesOf(root2).isEmpty() ? null : g2.incomingEdgesOf(root2).iterator().next());
    V parent= (treeEdge == null ? null : Graphs.getOppositeVertex(g2, treeEdge, root2));

    //3. Remove subtree rooted in vertex k
    bfs = new BreadthFirstIterator<>(g2,root2);

    //4. Reconnect the two components
    if(parent != null)
        g2.addEdge(parent, root1, treeEdge);


public static void main(String[] args){
    Graph<String, DefaultEdge> g1 = new SimpleDirectedGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class);
    Graphs.addAllVertices(g1, Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"));
    g1.addEdge("a", "b");
    g1.addEdge("a", "c");
    g1.addEdge("b", "d");
    g1.addEdge("b", "e");
    g1.addEdge("c", "f");
    g1.addEdge("c", "g");

    Graph<String, DefaultEdge> g2 = new SimpleDirectedGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class);
    Graphs.addAllVertices(g2, Arrays.asList("i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o"));
    g2.addEdge("i", "j");
    g2.addEdge("i", "k");
    g2.addEdge("j", "l");
    g2.addEdge("j", "m");
    g2.addEdge("k", "n");
    g2.addEdge("k", "o");

    replaceSubtree(g1, g2, "b", "k");

  • replaceSubtree(g1, g2, "b", "k"); 给出:([i, j, l, m, b, d, e], [(i,j), (j,l), (j,m), (b,d), (b,e), (i,b)])
  • replaceSubtree(g1, g2, "b", "i"); 给出:([b, d, e], [(b,d), (b,e)])