如何处理 Eloquent 中一个 table 中的两个外键的关系?

How to handle relationship with two foreign keys from one table in Eloquent?

我有 table 个用户和专业化。 :

id (primary, auto increment)
user_id (unique)
hex_id (unique)
status (boolean)

id (primary, auto increment)
user_id (foreign key from users)
hex_id (foreign key from users)
description (text)


问题是当我在表单提交期间将数据添加到专业化 table 时,我的 user_id 从关系中获得自动填充但不是 hex_id,给我错误:

..hex_id doesn't have default value..

是否可以仅使用关系自动填充专业化 table 中的两个外键?

PS 我无法更改架构的结构。

你的 hex_id 是什么?它来自经过身份验证的用户吗? 也没有人能告诉您它是一对一还是多对多。你应该知道你打算在这里归档什么。 如果一个用户有很多专业化,并且一个专业化属于一个用户,那么它就是一对多。此外,您不需要用户 table 中的 user_id 和 hex_id。以下示例基于您的解释。如果您从控制器共享 moere 代码,我们可以为您提供更多帮助。

In your USERS Model:

public function specializations()
  return $this->hasMany('App\Specialization');

public function user()
  return $this->belongsTo('App\User','user_id');

public function hex()
  return $this->belongsTo('App\User','hex_id');

我们可以在创建记录之前添加 hax_id 值,在您的 Specialization 模型中,您可以添加如下函数。 (确保删除 hax_id 字段上的所有验证)

we can use beforeCreate event of modal for this. if user_id are hax_id same then we can just assign it, if in your case it is different then you can fetch user from DB using user_id and access its hax_id and use it. please check below code.

use \Backend\Models\User;

// inside your `Specialization` model
public function beforeCreate()
    $this->hax_id = $this->user_id;
    // or if its not the case and user_id and hax_id are not same then.
    // $user = User::find($this->user_id);
    // $this->hax_id = $user->hax_id;

in this way hax_id will automatically added to your record. beforeCreate will work only on record creation, you can replace beforeCreate with beforeSave to make this happen all the time create and update.
