.NET Core 默认依赖注入与 Castle DynamicProxy

.NET Core default dependency injection with Castle DynamicProxy

我有许多 AOP 库使用 Castle DynamicProxy 和 Autofac DI 容器来进行日志记录、审计、事务控制等。

我想知道是否有一种方法可以使用默认的 .NET Core DI 容器来声明拦截器。拥有这种灵活性会很好,因为许多 .NET Core 项目不使用 Autofac。

基础 .NET Core 容器没有拦截器等任何额外功能。 .NET Core 中的 DI 容器可以换成 Autofac 之类的东西的全部原因是,一旦超出默认容器,您就可以移动到不同的容器。

是的,您可以使用核心 DI 使用 DynamicProxy。我已经写了一篇博客 post 在 http://codethug.com/2021/03/17/Caching-with-Attributes-in-DotNet-Core5/ 对其进行了解释,但这是它的代码:


[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class CacheAttribute : Attribute
    public int Seconds { get; set; } = 30;

创建拦截器(需要Castle.Core nuget包)

public class CacheInterceptor : IInterceptor
    private IMemoryCache _memoryCache;
    public CacheInterceptor(IMemoryCache memoryCache)
        _memoryCache = memoryCache;

    // Create a cache key using the name of the method and the values
    // of its arguments so that if the same method is called with the
    // same arguments in the future, we can find out if the results 
    // are cached or not
    private static string GenerateCacheKey(string name, 
        object[] arguments)
        if (arguments == null || arguments.Length == 0)
            return name;
        return name + "--" + 
            string.Join("--", arguments.Select(a => 
                a == null ? "**NULL**" : a.ToString()).ToArray());

    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
        var cacheAttribute = invocation.MethodInvocationTarget
            .GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CacheAttribute), false)
            .FirstOrDefault() as CacheAttribute;

        // If the cache attribute is added ot this method, we 
        // need to intercept this call
        if (cacheAttribute != null)
            var cacheKey = GenerateCacheKey(invocation.Method.Name, 
            if (_memoryCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out object value))
                // The results were already in the cache so return 
                // them from the cache instead of calling the 
                // underlying method
                invocation.ReturnValue = value;
                // Get the result the hard way by calling 
                // the underlying method
                // Save the result in the cache
                var options = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions
                    AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = 
                        new System.TimeSpan(hours: 0, minutes: 0, 
                            seconds: cacheAttribute.Seconds)
                _memoryCache.Set(cacheKey, invocation.ReturnValue, 
            // We don't need to cache the results, 
            // nothing to see here

添加扩展方法以帮助在 DI 中注册 classes:

public static void AddProxiedScoped<TInterface, TImplementation>
    (this IServiceCollection services)
    where TInterface : class
    where TImplementation : class, TInterface
    // This registers the underlying class
    services.AddScoped(typeof(TInterface), serviceProvider =>
        // Get an instance of the Castle Proxy Generator
        var proxyGenerator = serviceProvider
        // Have DI build out an instance of the class that has methods
        // you want to cache (this is a normal instance of that class 
        // without caching added)
        var actual = serviceProvider
        // Find all of the interceptors that have been registered, 
        // including our caching interceptor.  (you might later add a 
        // logging interceptor, etc.)
        var interceptors = serviceProvider
        // Have Castle Proxy build out a proxy object that implements 
        // your interface, but adds a caching layer on top of the
        // actual implementation of the class.  This proxy object is
        // what will then get injected into the class that has a 
        // dependency on TInterface
        return proxyGenerator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTarget(
            typeof(TInterface), actual, interceptors);

将这些行添加到 Startup.cs

中的 ConfigureServices
// Setup Interception
services.AddSingleton(new ProxyGenerator());
services.AddScoped<IInterceptor, CacheInterceptor>(



[Cache(Seconds = 30)]
public async Task<IEnumerable<Person>> GetPeopleByLastName(string lastName)
    return SomeLongRunningProcess(lastName);


services.AddProxiedScoped<IPersonRepository, PersonRepository>();


services.AddScoped<IPersonRepository, PersonRepository>();