当从 Facebook 请求 user_link 权限时,GraphRequest.newMeRequest() returns 一个空对象

When the user_link permission is requested from Facebook, GraphRequest.newMeRequest() returns a null object

我让 Firebase 在我的应用程序中处理 Facebook 登录,正如 Firebase 文档中所建议的那样:

        loginButton.setPermissions("email", "public_profile");

当我调用 GraphRequest.newMeRequest() 时,我请求 user_link 权限如下:

                Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
                // Need special permission from Faceook in order to get this data. Apply after we've settled on a new name for the app.
                parameters.putString("fields", "id, first_name, last_name, email, gender, birthday, timezone, picture, locale, user_link, age_range");

但是当 GraphRequest.newMeRequest() 完成时,它 returns 一个空对象。如果我在权限请求中遗漏 user_link,则不会发生这种情况。

When I call GraphRequest.newMeRequest(), I request the user_link permission as follows


并且字段名为 link,而不是 user_link
