理解Minizincs geost约束的输入格式

Understanding the input format of Minizincs geost constraint

我正在尝试了解 packing constraint section of the docs 中描述的 MiniZincs geost 约束。我正在尝试实现 2D 旋转矩形包装:所以我想在给定长度和宽度的板上放置矩形,但我很难理解预期的输入格式。

我有以下模型,我在其中读取了要放入 nParts 中的零件或矩形的数量。 nShapes 是这些矩形可以采用的形状数。

include "globals.mzn";

int: nParts;
set of int: PARTS = 1..nParts;

int: nShapes; 
set of int: SHAPES = 1..nShapes;

int: plateLength;
int: plateWidth;

set of int: LEN = 0..plateLength;
set of int: WID = 0..plateWidth;

int: k = 2;
set of int: DIM = 1..k;

array[SHAPES,DIM] of int: rect_size;
array[SHAPES,DIM] of 0..0: rect_offset;
array[PARTS] of set of SHAPES: shape;

array[PARTS,DIM] of var int: xy;
array[PARTS] of var SHAPES: kind;

constraint geost(k, rect_size, rect_offset, shape, xy, kind);

constraint forall(i in PARTS)(kind[i] in shape[i]);

constraint forall(i in PARTS)(xy[i,1] in LEN);
constraint forall(i in PARTS)(xy[i,1] + rect_size[kind[i], 1] in LEN);

constraint forall(i in PARTS)(xy[i,2] in WID);
constraint forall(i in PARTS)(xy[i,2] + rect_size[kind[i], 2] in WID);


plateLength = 4000;
plateWidth = 4000;

nParts = 1;
nShapes = 2;

rect_size = [|4000, 2000|
2000, 4000|];
rect_offset = [|0, 0|
0, 0|];

shape = [{1,2}];

然而对于更复杂的数据,我 运行 犯了错误,导致我对输入格式的理解可能是错误的。在下面的示例中,我想将 5 个零件放在一个盘子上,我希望得到这样的结果: 第一个矩形可以采用 [4000, 2000] 或 [2000, 4000] 的形状,因此通过 {1, 2},第二个矩形可以采用 [2000, 2000] 的形状并通过 {3} 进行索引。

plateLength = 4000;
plateWidth = 4000;

nParts = 5;
nShapes = 7;

rect_size = [|4000, 2000|
2000, 4000|
2000, 2000|
1000, 2000|
2000, 1000|
500, 1000|
1000, 500|];
rect_offset = [|0, 0|
0, 0|
0, 0|
0, 0|
0, 0|
0, 0|
0, 0|];

shape = [{1,2}, {3}, {4,5}, {6,7}, {6,7}];

这个规格是否正确?如果没有,如何正确指定 geost 约束的输入?一个简单的例子也会有所帮助,我只找到了相当复杂的例子 here and here.

k 维对象的全局非重叠约束 geost 强制两个对象不重叠。它的表亲 geost_bb 进一步限制对象以适应全局 k 维度边界框。


假设我们可以将每个对象旋转 90°(或其倍数),那么我们的问题是在 2D 平面上为 3 个可以采用以下 10 种形状之一的对象找到合适的位置:


现在,让我们看一下geost_bb constraint的定义:

        k,              % the number of dimensions
        rect_size,      % the size of each box in k dimensions
        rect_offset,    % the offset of each box from the base position in k dimensions
        shape,          % the set of rectangles defining the i-th shape
        x,              % the base position of each object.
                        % (var) x[i,j] is the position of object i in dimension j
        kind,           % (var) the shape used by each object
        l,              % array of lower bounds
        u               % array of upper bounds

x, kind, l, u 之外的所有内容都是约束的输入。矩阵 x 指定包裹每个对象 i 的(最小)矩形凸包的左下角坐标。向量 kind 指定给定对象的形状 i。向量 lu 为包含问题中所有对象的 N 维矩形凸包的每个 k 维度指定下限和上限约束。

形状由一组矩形的 组合 给出。每个矩形都由其大小和偏移量唯一标识。相应形状的左下角坐标。


这是我们的 运行 示例的可能分解(具有相同大小和偏移量的矩形具有相同的颜色):

让我们把这个例子编码成 Minizinc。


int: k;
int: nObjects;
int: nRectangles;
int: nShapes; 

set of int: DIMENSIONS = 1..k;
set of int: OBJECTS    = 1..nObjects;
set of int: RECTANGLES = 1..nRectangles;
set of int: SHAPES     = 1..nShapes;

array[DIMENSIONS] of int:             l;
array[DIMENSIONS] of int:             u;
array[RECTANGLES,DIMENSIONS] of int:  rect_size;
array[RECTANGLES,DIMENSIONS] of int:  rect_offset;
array[SHAPES] of set of RECTANGLES:   shape;
array[OBJECTS,DIMENSIONS] of var int: x;
array[OBJECTS] of var SHAPES:         kind;
  • 二维平面的维数是 2,所以 k 等于 2;
  • 对象个数为3,所以nObjects等于3;
  • 设计问题中所有形状所需的唯一矩形数为 13,因此 nRectangles 等于 13
  • 形状数为10,所以nShapes等于10;


k = 2;                  % Number of dimensions for a 2D Plane
nObjects = 3;           % Number of objects
nRectangles = 13;       % Number of rectangles
nShapes = 10;           % Number of shapes


rect_size = [|
     4, 2|
     2, 4|
     4, 2|
     2, 4|

     1, 2|
     2, 1|
     1, 2|
     2, 1|

     2, 1|
     1, 2|

     1, 1|
     1, 1|
     1, 1|];

rect_offset = [|
     0, 0|
     0, 0|
     0, 2|
     2, 0|

     2, 2|
     2, 1|
     1, 0|
     0, 2|

     0, 0|
     0, 0|

     0, 1|
     1, 1|
     0, 0|];

现在我们可以根据给定的列表或矩形定义我们需要的 10 形状:

shape = [
    { 1, 5 },
    { 2, 6 },
    { 3, 7 },
    { 4, 8 },

    { 9 },
    { 10 },

    { 9, 11 },
    { 10, 12 },
    { 7, 11 },
    { 7, 13 }

我们要求问题的解决方案必须将所有对象放在原点放置的 4x4 正方形内:

l = [0, 0];
u = [4, 4];


array[OBJECTS] of set of SHAPES: valid_shapes;

valid_shapes = [{1, 2, 3, 4}, {5, 6}, {7, 8, 9, 10}];

constraint forall (obj in OBJECTS) (
    kind[obj] in valid_shapes[obj]


solve satisfy;


x = array2d(1..3, 1..2, [0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0]);
kind = array1d(1..3, [4, 5, 7]);



Is this specification correct?

没有。明显的混淆来源是 shape 的定义。上面的解释应该说明了这一点。