在 SQL 服务器中仅使用一次记录查找匹配对

Finding Matched Pairs using each record only once in SQL Server

我需要在 SQL 服务器中找到匹配的记录对,但每条记录只能包含在 1 对 中。一旦一条记录与一对匹配,就应该将其从任何未来对的考虑中删除。

我已经尝试了涉及 ROW_NUMBER()LEAD() 的解决方案,但我无法完全做到。



declare @test table (ID numeric, Color varchar(20))
insert into @test values

from @test t1
join @test t2 
    on t1.Color = t2.Color
    and t1.ID < t2.ID           -----removes reverse-pairs and self-pairs


ID  Color   ID  Color
--- ------- --- --------
1   Blue    3   Blue
1   Blue    5   Blue        -----should not appear because 1 has already been paired
3   Blue    5   Blue        -----should not appear because 3 and 5 have already been paired
2   Red     6   Red


ID  Color   ID  Color
--- ------- --- --------
1   Blue    3   Blue
2   Red     6   Red

您可以使用 row_number() 和条件聚合:

    max(case when rn % 2 = 0 then id end) id1,
    max(case when rn % 2 = 0 then color end) color1,
    max(case when rn % 2 = 1 then id end) id2,
    max(case when rn % 2 = 1 then color end) color2
from (
        row_number() over(partition by color order by id) - 1 rn
    from @test t
) t
group by color, rn / 2
having count(*) = 2


Demo on DB Fiddle:

id1 | color1 | id2 | color2
:-- | :----- | :-- | :-----
1   | Blue   | 3   | Blue  
2   | Red    | 6   | Red   



我首先根据颜色对记录进行排序,最低 ID 为 rnk=1,下一个为 rnk=2。

之后,我通过拉取 rnk=1 记录然后加入 rnk=2 将表连接在一起。

declare @test table (ID numeric, Color varchar(20))
insert into @test values

;with data
  as (select row_number() over(partition by color order by id asc) as rnk
       from @test
select a.id,a.color,b.id,b.color
 from data a
 join data b
   on a.Color=b.Color
  and b.rnk=a.rnk+1
where a.rnk%2=1


| id | color | id | color |
|  1 | Blue  |  3 | Blue  |
|  5 | Blue  |  7 | Blue  |
|  2 | Red   |  6 | Red   |