Java: Comparable vs Comparator - 内存和性能

Java: Comparable vs Comparator - Memory & Performance


What is the performance difference between Comparable and Comparator?


If Comparable is implemented by a class Employee, when 5000 Employee objects are created and added in an ArrayList, there will be 5000 objects with compareTo methods in heap memory. So unless absolutely necessary, don't use Comparable. With Comparator, the above mentioned memory overhead is eliminated.



添加已实现的接口或方法不会影响 class 的各个实例所需的内存。


实现的接口和方法是每个class信息。相同 class 的两个实例将始终实现完全相同的接口并具有完全相同的方法。因此,JVM 为每个对象存储该信息是没有意义的。


public class MyClass implements Comparable<MyClass> {

  private final long l;

  MyClass(long l) {this.l = l;}

  public int compareTo(MyClass o) {
    return 0;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    long l = 0;
    try {
      var list = new ArrayList<MyClass>();
      while (true) {
        list.add(new MyClass(l++));
    } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
      System.out.println("Created " + l + " objects before things went south ...");

运行 这与 -Xmx32m 使用 Java 11 将为我在每个 运行 上创建大约 200000 个对象(有轻微的变化,可能是由于 GC 细节)。

删除 Comparable 接口 and/or compareTo 方法不会显着改变该值。

您可以尝试添加其他字段或删除 l,这 更改数字。