Google Cloud NLP 的嵌套命名实体识别

Nested Named Entity Recognition with Google Cloud NLP


But, does Google Cloud AutoML platform support Nested Named Entity Recognition ?


Each annotation can cover up to ten tokens (words). They cannot overlap; the start_offset of an annotation cannot be between the start_offset and end_offset of an annotation in the same document. [docs]

但是,您可以根据您对嵌套 NER 的理解自行实现。训练通用模型以提取主要实体(较大的包含实体)。然后,训练辅助模型以提取辅助实体(主要实体内的实体)。 运行 次要模型仅基于主要模型的输出。您可能还应该实施一些条件,例如令牌数量。