我如何使用 Arduino IDE 定期附加到数组?

How do I periodically append to an array using the Arduino IDE?


A​​rduino 没有开箱即用的动态数据结构(字符串除外)。




template <typename T>
struct SimpleVector {
    struct SimpleVectorNode {
        T* m_value = NULL;
        SimpleVectorNode* m_next = NULL;

        SimpleVectorNode() {


        SimpleVectorNode(T val) {
            m_value = new T(val);
            m_next = NULL;
    int m_size = 0;
    SimpleVectorNode* m_head = new SimpleVectorNode;

    void AddValue(T val) {
        SimpleVectorNode* end = m_head;
        while (end->m_next != NULL) {
            end = end->m_next;
        end->m_next = new SimpleVectorNode(val);

    SimpleVectorNode* Seek(int index) {
        SimpleVectorNode* res = m_head;
        while (index >= 0) {
            res = res->m_next;
        return res;

    T& Get(int index) {
        return *(Seek(index)->m_value);

    void Delete(int index) {
        SimpleVectorNode* preDel = Seek(index - 1);
        SimpleVectorNode* toDel = preDel->m_next;
        preDel->m_next = toDel->m_next;
        delete toDel->m_value;
        delete toDel;

    int GetSize() {
        return m_size;

    int IndexOf(T val) {
        SimpleVectorNode* pNode = m_head->m_next;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_size; ++i) {
            if (pNode->m_value == val) {
                return i;

            pNode = pNode->m_next;

        return -1;

    bool Contains(T val) {
        return IndexOf(val) >= 0;

    ~SimpleVector() {
        while (m_size > 0) {

        delete m_head;