如何使用 partitionedBy 计算按列分组的百分位数?

How to calculate percentiles grouped by column using partitionedBy?

我正在使用 spark-sql-2.4.1v,我正在尝试查找分位数,即 我给定数据的每一列上的百分位数 0、百分位数 25 等。 当我做多个百分位数时,如何检索每个计算的 结果的百分位数?


|  id|     date|      revenue|con_dist_1| con_dist_2| zone  |
|  10|1/15/2018|  0.010680705|        10|0.019875458|  east |
|  10|1/15/2018|  0.006628853|         4|0.816039063|  west |
|  10|1/15/2018|   0.01378215|        20|0.082049528|  east |
|  10|1/15/2018|  0.010680705|         6|0.019875458|  west |
|  10|1/15/2018|  0.006628853|        30|0.816039063|  east |


| id|     date|    revenue|  zone | perctile_col| quantile_0|quantile_10|
| 10|1/15/2018|0.010680705|  east |  con_dist_1 |       10.0|       30.0|
| 10|1/15/2018|0.010680705|  east |  con_dist_2 |0.019875458|0.816039063|
| 10|1/15/2018|0.010680705|  west |  con_dist_1 |        4.0|        6.0|
| 10|1/15/2018|0.010680705|  west |  con_dist_2 |0.019875458|0.816039063|

有什么方法可以使用partitionByapproxQuantile函数吗? 这是否会使用 repartition("zone") 进行处理,即不收集每个区域的数据集?

approxQuantile在这里不是很合适,因为它不允许分组。然而, 这个问题可以使用 percentile_approx 和 Spark window 函数来解决(groupBy 在这里也是可能的,使用哪个取决于所需的数据帧格式)。首先我们做一些设置:

val df = Seq(
    (10, "1/15/2018", 0.010680705, 10,0.019875458, "east"),
    (10, "1/15/2018", 0.006628853,  4,0.816039063, "west"),
    (10, "1/15/2018", 0.01378215,  20,0.082049528, "east"),
    (10, "1/15/2018", 0.010680705,  6,0.019875458, "west"),
    (10, "1/15/2018", 0.006628853, 30,0.816039063, "east"))     
  .toDF("id", "date", "revenue", "con_dist_1", "con_dist_2", "zone")

val percentiles = Seq(0.1, 1.0)  // Which percentiles to calculate
val cols = Seq("con_dist_1", "con_dist_2")  // The columns to use


val window = Window.partitionBy("zone")
val percentile_func = (col: String) => expr(s"percentile_approx(${col}, array(${percentiles.mkString(",")}))")
val df2 = cols.foldLeft(df){case (df, c) => df.withColumn(c, percentile_func(c).over(window))}


|id |date     |revenue    |con_dist_1|con_dist_2                |zone|
|10 |1/15/2018|0.006628853|[4, 6]    |[0.019875458, 0.816039063]|west|
|10 |1/15/2018|0.010680705|[4, 6]    |[0.019875458, 0.816039063]|west|
|10 |1/15/2018|0.010680705|[10, 30]  |[0.019875458, 0.816039063]|east|
|10 |1/15/2018|0.01378215 |[10, 30]  |[0.019875458, 0.816039063]|east|
|10 |1/15/2018|0.006628853|[10, 30]  |[0.019875458, 0.816039063]|east|

接下来,我们要将数据帧转换为正确的格式。 这是对此处答案的轻微改编:.

cols.map{ case c =>
    .foldLeft(df2.withColumn("perctile_col", lit(c))){ case (df2, (perc, index)) => 
      df2.withColumn(s"qunantile_${perc}", col(c).getItem(index))
  .drop(cols: _*) // these are not needed anymore


| id|     date|    revenue|zone|perctile_col|qunantile_0.1|qunantile_1.0|
| 10|1/15/2018|0.006628853|west|  con_dist_1|          4.0|          6.0|
| 10|1/15/2018|0.010680705|west|  con_dist_1|          4.0|          6.0|
| 10|1/15/2018|0.010680705|east|  con_dist_1|         10.0|         30.0|
| 10|1/15/2018| 0.01378215|east|  con_dist_1|         10.0|         30.0|
| 10|1/15/2018|0.006628853|east|  con_dist_1|         10.0|         30.0|
| 10|1/15/2018|0.006628853|west|  con_dist_2|  0.019875458|  0.816039063|
| 10|1/15/2018|0.010680705|west|  con_dist_2|  0.019875458|  0.816039063|
| 10|1/15/2018|0.010680705|east|  con_dist_2|  0.019875458|  0.816039063|
| 10|1/15/2018| 0.01378215|east|  con_dist_2|  0.019875458|  0.816039063|
| 10|1/15/2018|0.006628853|east|  con_dist_2|  0.019875458|  0.816039063|