ksql 中的重复键 table

Duplicated keys in ksql table

我正在尝试创建一个 ksql table 来保留实体的最新版本。我想知道为此推荐的方法是什么。

到目前为止,我已经尝试了以下方法:我通过 debezium 将发票加载到 kafka 中,然后我创建了以下流以便能够从 ksql 使用它们:

ksql> create stream invoice_stream with (kafka_topic='dbserver1.invoices.invoice', value_format='AVRO');

Debezium 在前后添加了有关数据库状态的数据 table 行,这使得它有点难以使用,所以我在上面创建了另一个流以仅获取我感兴趣的数据:

create stream invoice 
      with (kafka_topic='invoice', value_format='AVRO')
      select i.before->id as before_id,
             i.after->id as after_id,
             ifnull(i.transaction->id, 'NA') as transaction_id,
             i.after->description as description,
             i.after->invoice_date as invoice_date,
             i.after->status as status
      from invoice_stream i;


ksql> select * from invoice emit changes;
|ROWTIME                 |ROWKEY                  |BEFORE_ID               |AFTER_ID                |TRANSACTION_ID          |DESCRIPTION             |INVOICE_DATE            |STATUS                  |
|1583961059498           |                        |null                    |1                       |NA                      |Invoice A               |18201                   |N                       |
|1583961059499           |                        |null                    |2                       |NA                      |Invoice B               |18205                   |N                       |
|1583961059499           |                        |null                    |3                       |NA                      |Invoice C               |18210                   |N                       |
|1583961059499           |                        |null                    |4                       |NA                      |Invoice D               |18215                   |N                       |
|1583961263233           |                        |null                    |5                       |623                     |test line added later   |18263                   |N                       |
|1584007291546           |                        |5                       |5                       |625                     |test line added later   |18263                   |P                       |


ksql> create stream invoice_rekeyed as select * from invoice partition by after_id;
ksql> describe invoice_rekeyed;

Name                 : INVOICE_REKEYED
 Field          | Type                      
 ROWTIME        | BIGINT           (system) 
 ROWKEY         | VARCHAR(STRING)  (system) 
 BEFORE_ID      | INTEGER                   
 AFTER_ID       | INTEGER          (key)    
 INVOICE_DATE   | INTEGER                   
 STATUS         | VARCHAR(STRING)           

最后我创建了一个 table 这样的:

create table invoice_table(before_id int, after_id int, transaction_id string, description string, invoice_date int, status string) 
with (kafka_topic='INVOICE_REKEYED', key='after_id', value_format='AVRO');

所以此时我希望能够通过行键查询 table,但是我收到以下消息:

ksql> select * from invoice_table where rowkey = 5;
Table 'INVOICE_TABLE' is not materialized. Refer to https://cnfl.io/queries for info on query types. If you intended to issue a push query, resubmit with the EMIT CHANGES clause
 KSQL currently only supports pull queries on materialized aggregate tables. i.e. those created by a 'CREATE TABLE AS SELECT <fields>, <aggregate_functions> FROM <sources> GROUP BY <key>' style statement.
Query syntax in KSQL has changed. There are now two broad categories of queries:
- Pull queries: query the current state of the system, return a result, and terminate. 
- Push queries: query the state of the system in motion and continue to output results until they meet a LIMIT condition or are terminated by the user.

'EMIT CHANGES' is used to to indicate a query is a push query. To convert a pull query into a push query, which was the default behavior in older versions of KSQL, add `EMIT CHANGES` to the end of the statement 
before any LIMIT clause.

For example, the following are pull queries:
    'SELECT * FROM X WHERE ROWKEY=Y;' (non-windowed table)

The following is a push query:

Note: Persistent queries, e.g. `CREATE TABLE AS ...`, have an implicit `EMIT CHANGES`, but we recommend adding `EMIT CHANGES` to these statements.

此外,如果我将其作为推送查询进行查询,我会看到键 5 不止一行:

ksql> select * from invoice_table emit changes;
|ROWTIME                 |ROWKEY                  |BEFORE_ID               |AFTER_ID                |TRANSACTION_ID          |DESCRIPTION             |INVOICE_DATE            |STATUS                  |
|1583961059498           |1                       |null                    |1                       |NA                      |Invoice A               |18201                   |N                       |
|1583961059499           |2                       |null                    |2                       |NA                      |Invoice B               |18205                   |N                       |
|1583961059499           |3                       |null                    |3                       |NA                      |Invoice C               |18210                   |N                       |
|1583961059499           |4                       |null                    |4                       |NA                      |Invoice D               |18215                   |N                       |
|1583961263233           |5                       |null                    |5                       |623                     |test line added later   |18263                   |N                       |
|1584007291546           |5                       |5                       |5                       |625                     |test line added later   |18263                   |P                       |

我想明白为什么 table 没有被具体化,因为根据之前的消息,这似乎是阻止我开始通过 rowkey 查询 table 的原因。



尝试 Robin 指出的示例,我实际上得到了预期的行为;在示例中,运行在更新原始数据库行的同时执行查询使更改出现:

ksql> select * from customers where id = 5 emit changes;
|ROWTIME          |ROWKEY           |ID               |FIRST_NAME       |LAST_NAME        |EMAIL            |GENDER           |CLUB_STATUS      |COMMENTS         |CREATE_TS        |UPDATE_TS        |
|1584102664415    |5                |5                |Hansiain         |Coda             |hcoda4@senate.gov|Male             |platinum         |Centralized full-|2020-03-13T12:29:|2020-03-13T12:29:|
|                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |range approach   |53Z              |53Z              |
|1584102741712    |5                |5                |Rodrigo          |Coda             |hcoda4@senate.gov|Male             |platinum         |Centralized full-|2020-03-13T12:29:|2020-03-13T12:32:|
|                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |range approach   |53Z              |21Z              |

但是,如果查询终止并再次 运行,则只有最新版本可用:

ksql> select * from customers where id = 5 emit changes;
|ROWTIME          |ROWKEY           |ID               |FIRST_NAME       |LAST_NAME        |EMAIL            |GENDER           |CLUB_STATUS      |COMMENTS         |CREATE_TS        |UPDATE_TS        |
|1584102741712    |5                |5                |Rodrigo          |Coda             |hcoda4@senate.gov|Male             |platinum         |Centralized full-|2020-03-13T12:29:|2020-03-13T12:32:|
|                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |                 |range approach   |53Z              |21Z              |


ksql> print 'dbserver1.invoices.invoice' from beginning limit 50;
3/13/20 12:23:09 PM UTC, 1, {"id": 1, "description": "Invoice A", "invoice_date": 18201, "status": "N", "__op": "r", "__ts_ms": 1584102188934, "__transaction_id": null}
3/13/20 12:23:09 PM UTC, 2, {"id": 2, "description": "Invoice B", "invoice_date": 18205, "status": "N", "__op": "r", "__ts_ms": 1584102188936, "__transaction_id": null}
3/13/20 12:23:09 PM UTC, 3, {"id": 3, "description": "Invoice C", "invoice_date": 18210, "status": "N", "__op": "r", "__ts_ms": 1584102188938, "__transaction_id": null}
3/13/20 12:23:09 PM UTC, 4, {"id": 4, "description": "Invoice D", "invoice_date": 18215, "status": "N", "__op": "r", "__ts_ms": 1584102188938, "__transaction_id": null}
^CTopic printing ceased
ksql> create table invoice_table with (kafka_topic='dbserver1.invoices.invoice', value_format='AVRO');

 Table created 

ksql> select * from invoice_table where id = 4 emit changes;
|ROWTIME              |ROWKEY               |ID                   |DESCRIPTION          |INVOICE_DATE         |STATUS               |__OP                 |__TS_MS              |__TRANSACTION_ID     |
|1584102189675        |4                    |4                    |Invoice D            |18215                |N                    |r                    |1584102188938        |null                 |
|1584102365378        |4                    |4                    |Invoice D UPDATED    |18215                |N                    |u                    |1584102365128        |623                  |
^CQuery terminated
ksql> select * from invoice_table where id = 4 emit changes;
|ROWTIME              |ROWKEY               |ID                   |DESCRIPTION          |INVOICE_DATE         |STATUS               |__OP                 |__TS_MS              |__TRANSACTION_ID     |
|1584102189675        |4                    |4                    |Invoice D            |18215                |N                    |r                    |1584102188938        |null                 |
|1584102365378        |4                    |4                    |Invoice D UPDATED    |18215                |N                    |u                    |1584102365128        |623                  |


这里有几件事要解开并帮助您,但顶级答案是 非物化 tables 不支持拉取查询,并且你还没有实现它,在 #3985 交付之前你也不能。

如您所见,您可以 运行 针对 table 的推送查询。您看到的多个输出取决于状态的变化。如果您取消推送查询并重新 运行 它,您将只看到每个键的一个状态。

Debezium adds data about the state of the database table row before and after what makes it a bit difficult to use

查看 io.debezium.transforms.ExtractNewRecordState 单一消息转换,它将扁平化负载并仅将当前状态放入消息中

'transforms'= 'unwrap',
'transforms.unwrap.type'= 'io.debezium.transforms.ExtractNewRecordState',

As there is no key, I created another stream on top where I specify the partition:

这是一种方法,但更好的方法是将密钥设置为 Kafka Connect 摄取的一部分

'transforms'= 'extractkey',
'transforms.extractkey.type'= 'org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ExtractField$Key',
'transforms.extractkey.field'= 'id',
'key.converter'= 'org.apache.kafka.connect.storage.StringConverter',

有关这些操作的示例,请查看 this recent QCon workshop